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Apr 28 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Apr 28 2021, 7:36 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo

Apr 26 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T10034: Attract existing FLOSS software projects to KDE and incorporate their members into our community.

I found this DAW written with QT 5 and C++ called MusE (no, it's not the same thing as MuseScore): https://muse-sequencer.github.io/

Apr 26 2021, 3:48 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 23 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Apr 23 2021, 10:13 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo

Apr 22 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.


digiKam 7.2.0 installer is compiled for Windows using Linux MXE cross compiler (Mingw based) : https://mxe.cc/. It use QtWebkit as web framework. This version is not published in Microsoft Store. Windows system is not used to build from scratch the installer : all is done with a Linux system. This give serious advantages as fast scripting, safe operating system, fast build, etc.

digiKam source code must compiles fine under MSVC. Actually, Craft CI is broken due to missing boost headers (if i remember). With MSVC build, it will uses QtWebEngine. It highly recommended to use MSVC for Microsoft Store publishing.

Ideally, the Craft CI must be fixed to restore MSVC compilation and compile an installer for the Store.
One alternative can be to use the cross compiled version and to post process the contents to generate an installer for the Store (as i can see, Krita use this way).

Apr 22 2021, 9:20 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 17 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Apr 17 2021, 8:51 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Apr 17 2021, 8:13 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo

Apr 15 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Apr 15 2021, 5:53 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.

There's a new page specifically for Plasma Mobile contest, please take a look and give me feedback: https://community.kde.org/Promo/Plasma_Mobile_Audio_Competition

Apr 15 2021, 5:49 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo

Apr 14 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.


digiKam 7.2.0 installer is compiled for Windows using Linux MXE cross compiler (Mingw based) : https://mxe.cc/. It use QtWebkit as web framework. This version is not published in Microsoft Store. Windows system is not used to build from scratch the installer : all is done with a Linux system. This give serious advantages as fast scripting, safe operating system, fast build, etc.

digiKam source code must compiles fine under MSVC. Actually, Craft CI is broken due to missing boost headers (if i remember). With MSVC build, it will uses QtWebEngine. It highly recommended to use MSVC for Microsoft Store publishing.

Ideally, the Craft CI must be fixed to restore MSVC compilation and compile an installer for the Store.
One alternative can be to use the cross compiled version and to post process the contents to generate an installer for the Store (as i can see, Krita use this way).

Apr 14 2021, 10:08 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated subscribers of T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

Testing of Digikam and Showfoto (v. 7.2.0) on Windows: I went to a website and downloaded many images with different kinds of Raw formats and they all worked. I also tested many effects and everything worked without problems. The splash screen already contains KDE branding too. The only small issue I found is something pretty simple I'm sure can be fixed, to reproduce it just select an image, go to the "Colors" tab on the right and hover over the red/green/blue histograms: The tooltip will show gray text on white, so almost invisible.

Apr 14 2021, 5:10 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

Windows issues for Kdenlive are tracked here: https://userbase.kde.org/Kdenlive/Manual/Windows_Issues

Apr 14 2021, 4:30 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 13 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T11398: Publish KDE Connect to the Windows Store.

Okay, testing of KDE Connect on WIndows - Possible blockers:

Apr 13 2021, 6:38 PM · KDE Connect
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

Okay, testing of KDE Connect on WIndows (https://phabricator.kde.org/T11398):

Apr 13 2021, 6:34 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

State of Marble for Windows: https://phabricator.kde.org/T13423

Apr 13 2021, 4:39 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 12 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

We're delaying it until Plasma 5.23, that way we have enough time to get everything ready and don't rush anything. For now we will start working on the Plasma Mobile sounds (https://phabricator.kde.org/T14204), those should be easier to get since there's less of them and there's also no deadline.

Apr 12 2021, 8:53 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems renamed T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma from Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma 5.22 to Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma 5.23.
Apr 12 2021, 8:49 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Hi @veratil and @tresf , we want to know if you and other people at LMMS are okay with everything, that way we can start coordination of the announcement on social media. You can answer here or e-mail me at guimarcalsilva@gmail.com.

Apr 12 2021, 6:11 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems renamed T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile from Create new ringtones/alarm sounds for Plasma Mobile to Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Apr 12 2021, 5:49 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Apr 12 2021, 5:49 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 10 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

State of KDEConnect:

Apr 10 2021, 12:01 AM · KDE Promo

Apr 8 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Apr 8 2021, 8:52 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

Okay, here's the state of some KDE programs according to e-mails I received:

Apr 8 2021, 8:38 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 7 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

@Guilhermems give me a ping and we'll see if we can make some progress on this.

There is already a work item at https://phabricator.kde.org/T9575

As I feared I have come to a simple and puzzling blocker. I have a Windows machine on EC2 to test and log in with KRDC and Internet Explorer insists on me approving every single domain name to browse but eventually I install firefox which is more sane but when I go to e.g. Filelight in the Microsoft store and click on Get it doesn't do anything. Why is Windows so broken?!

Apr 7 2021, 4:30 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 2 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

It would be nice to have two virtual keyboard sounds, one for the regular keys, and one for special keys (shift, enter, switch layout, etc.)

Attached are examples from Windows Phone (I had to lengthen them in audacity since they were so short that the web audio player didn't even play a sound):

Apr 2 2021, 10:53 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Apr 2 2021, 10:52 PM · KDE Promo

Apr 1 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

I've decided to remove the phone-outgoing-call from the list because that one in most cases is simply that beep you hear in any phone when you make a call. The Freedesktop default sounds already provides that and also a beep for a busy call. It makes no sense to duplicate those if we can use the default ones. I'll still keep the phone-incoming-call one because that one can be a useful generic sound for programs (even if we have new ringtones for Plasma Mobile).

Apr 1 2021, 7:37 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Apr 1 2021, 7:35 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Apr 1 2021, 7:25 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Apr 1 2021, 7:22 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Okay. Let's start with the obvious on that list (empty trash, connect/disconnect device, etc.) and then add more as necessary.

Apr 1 2021, 7:19 PM · KDE Promo

Mar 31 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

@Guilhermems : Does this list...

Suggested new sounds (with name from spec):

  - Plugging device - device-added
  - Unplugging device - device-removed
  - Power plug - power-plug
  - Power unplug - power-unplug
  - Low battery warning - battery-low
  - Feedback sound when changing volume - audio-volume-change
  - Oxygen-Sys-Trash-Emptied.ogg - trash-empty
  - Oxygen-Sys-List-End.ogg - completion-rotation
  - Oxygen-Sys-List-Match-No.ogg - completion-fail
  - Oxygen-Sys-List-Match-Multiple.ogg - completion-partial
  - Oxygen-Sys-App-Error.ogg - dialog-error
  - Oxygen-Sys-Log-In.ogg - desktop-login
  - Oxygen-Sys-Log-Out.ogg - desktop-logout
  - Oxygen-Sys-App-Message.ogg - dialog-information
  - Oxygen-Sys-Warning.ogg - dialog-warning
  - Oxygen-Sys-Question.ogg - dialog-question
  - Oxygen-Im-Phone-Ring.ogg - phone-incoming-call
  - Oxygen-Sys-App-Negative.ogg
  - Oxygen-Sys-App-Positive.ogg
  - Oxygen-Sys-Special.ogg
  - Oxygen-Im-Nudge.ogg

... contain all the sounds we need? If so, I can probably get someone to start making the screencast clips we will use for the sample video.

Mar 31 2021, 5:49 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Let's get a move on for this project. We have discussed enough. It is now action time! Let's start by writing a wiki entry with all the information for participants.

I have created a draft for you here, much of which is copied from our last video competition, so it needs adapting.

@Guilhermems, please check to see if you can edit that page. If you have any problem, ping me on the chat channels and I'll see what's up.

Let's aim to start announcing in the week after Easter.

Mar 31 2021, 4:21 PM · KDE Promo

Mar 27 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 27 2021, 9:54 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Hi @veratil actually I think we don't have to worry about the sound mappings. I talked to one of the developers and they said that can be organized after the contest is completed. All I need to do is figure out what we need and I think I have a pretty good idea now. I've updated the task description.

Mar 27 2021, 9:53 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 27 2021, 6:16 PM · KDE Promo

Mar 24 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 24 2021, 4:07 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 24 2021, 4:47 AM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 24 2021, 1:54 AM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 24 2021, 1:33 AM · KDE Promo

Mar 23 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Be aware we have had problems sending things to certain countries in the past. Overzealous custom officials and unreliable postage services in the winners' countries have sometimes been a source of frustration for everybody. If we do go down this route of sending a physical prize, we will have to include a disclaimer that states that, although we will do everything in our power to ensure the winner receives the prize, we cannot be made responsible for problems that may happen in transit.

100% agree. Disclaimers are always needed for physical prizes.

Also, we will need to decide a maximum amount of physical prizes won if we select a single entrant as a winner for multiple clips. If entrant A wins 5 clips, do they get 5 items or 1?

EDIT: Expanding on the idea. How much does a single t-shirt cost? If we give each clip a prize value in terms of a single t-shirt, we could allow an entrant that wins multiple a more valuable prize selection, within reason of course.

Mar 23 2021, 9:58 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Topic: Define if there will be any kind of incentive for winners

In your experience with LMMS and contests, do you think social media exposure is enough to attract participants @veratil?

Truthfully, I have no experience with the Best of LMMS contests. I'm just a friendly dev trying to help out and get this going! :)

I know any artist would appreciate exposure, but there definitely has to be something more than that if you want to attract more. Maybe KDE could offer a selection of custom KDE merch specifically for the winners? T-shirt, cap, etc. A t-shirt is a good example of something that can give more exposure to all parties involved that the winner can constantly use in their own life. It could have the KDE+Plasma logo along with the LMMS logo and a phrase with something silly like, "I'm the sound you hear!"

Mar 23 2021, 6:57 PM · KDE Promo

Mar 22 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Topic: Define if there will be any kind of incentive for winners

Mar 22 2021, 10:45 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 22 2021, 10:42 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Okay, so the plan is to have a form just like LMMS does, asking for their name, a link to their sounds (be it on video or a playlist on a website like SoundCloud) and also a link to the actual .wav/.oga + the LMMS source files. In this case we would strongly recommend making a video but wouldn't require it in order to participate. Right?

No. We make the video, a silent screencast of the Plasma desktop showing the events that need sounds. They can make the sounds and can add themselves to the video (say, using Kdenlive), or, if they prefer, we can add the sounds they give us.

Actually that's not a bad idea to suggest kdenlive. Have the video and give simple instructions on how to add the sound at timestamps, or possibly (I don't know the project save file format) have a script that can programmatically add it at the correct points and generate the video.

Mar 22 2021, 4:07 AM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Okay, so the plan is to have a form just like LMMS does, asking for their name, a link to their sounds (be it on video or a playlist on a website like SoundCloud) and also a link to the actual .wav/.oga + the LMMS source files. In this case we would strongly recommend making a video but wouldn't require it in order to participate. Right?

No. We make the video, a silent screencast of the Plasma desktop showing the events that need sounds. They can make the sounds and can add themselves to the video (say, using Kdenlive), or, if they prefer, we can add the sounds they give us.

Mar 22 2021, 1:31 AM · KDE Promo

Mar 21 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 21 2021, 11:39 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

That would be nice, but I would hate to have people not enter because they are unable to do this part for one reason or another.

Fair enough. A compromise: we make a video anyway, so that participants have a clear idea of each of the events we need sounds for. Those that want/know how to dub a video can do so if they wish -- the video will be readily available for download for those who want to use it. If a participant does not dub the video for any reason (we will not ask for a reason), we will do it for them, so we can make the judges decision easier. I just feel that listening to pops, whistles and squawks without the visual context will be very difficult to judge.

Mar 21 2021, 11:35 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T13711: Improve promotion for GCompris.

I almost forgot about this idea but this is important: Find a better title for the Playstore page: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.gcompris.full&hl=en_US&gl=US

Mar 21 2021, 10:29 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

I may have said this before, but... Would it not make sense to release a silent video showing the events we want sounds for and participants dub their sounds on top of that (and then put it up on YouTube, PeerTube, Vimeo or wherever)? This would give participants a good idea of what we want, a chance to see if their creations work or not, and make judging easier.

Mar 21 2021, 9:11 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Topic: Define how participants can submit their entries

Mar 21 2021, 7:25 PM · KDE Promo

Mar 17 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 17 2021, 6:38 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Mar 17 2021, 6:34 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.

One issue is the fact that we may need to factor in the "tail" of the song (the kind of echo you hear at 0:13 of the second example above). It'd be best if the ringtone submissions have at least one repeat so that we can jump back in the audio file to the first repeat when doing loops (since the beginning will then include the tail of the tune).

Of course, for some ringtones we might not need to care about this at all, if we just repeat the audio file entirely and it sounds fine.

Mar 17 2021, 6:26 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 17 2021, 5:25 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 17 2021, 5:23 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems created T14204: Create new ringtones/alarm/event sounds for Plasma Mobile.
Mar 17 2021, 5:17 PM · Plasma: Mobile, KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

This is an interesting link that might be useful for reference: https://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Oxygen/Sound_Theme_Technical_Specification

Mar 17 2021, 3:07 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 17 2021, 3:05 PM · KDE Promo

Mar 14 2021

filipf awarded T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma a 100 token.
Mar 14 2021, 2:59 PM · KDE Promo

Mar 6 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Mar 6 2021, 8:27 PM · KDE Promo

Feb 27 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Define which sounds need to be replaced

We could use this opportunity to be compliant to the sound theme spec https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/sound-theme-spec/

Feb 27 2021, 12:39 AM · KDE Promo

Feb 23 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Just to help with the creation of the contest, here's some observations:

Feb 23 2021, 7:35 PM · KDE Promo

Feb 15 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

Let me just add here Tres' email to @niccolove and my comments, see if you agree:


What a fantastic idea.

I agree that the LMMS musicians are well suited for this task. Of course, there are some logistics to sort. Some random thoughts surrounding this...

  • We usually start our compilation competition in March, so this may serve best as before or after to garner more interest.

I don't think KDE has a massive pressure regarding time. It is too late for Plasma 5.21 and Plasma 5.22 will not be due until the 8th of June. Even so, I have no idea how hard it is to make an audio theme, so maybe we should inform them of when Plasma 5.22 is due and that we would want it for then and let them decide the timeline.

Feb 15 2021, 12:55 AM · KDE Promo

Feb 13 2021

Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Feb 13 2021, 11:48 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.

For the contest theme, I propose something related to the word “Breeze”, so something calming, soft and easy on the ears.

Feb 13 2021, 11:47 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Feb 13 2021, 11:31 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems created T14125: Create a New Sound Theme for Plasma.
Feb 13 2021, 11:29 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems updated the task description for T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.
Feb 13 2021, 6:01 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

Apps without Windows versions that could be ported:

Feb 13 2021, 5:24 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.
  1. Marble. Available in many platforms, including Windows (possibly unmaintained?). Not available on Microsoft Store and Play Store: https://marble.kde.org/install.php?
Feb 13 2021, 5:23 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.
Feb 13 2021, 5:07 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.
  1. KMyMoney has a Windows Version (outdated?) but it's not on Microsoft Store: https://kmymoney.org/download.html
Feb 13 2021, 5:05 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.
  1. KDE Connect: Builds (experimental?) available for Windows but not on Microsoft Store: https://community.kde.org/KDEConnect#Windows
Feb 13 2021, 4:53 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.
  1. DigiKam. Available on Windows but not on Microsoft Store: https://www.digikam.org/download/
Feb 13 2021, 4:50 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.
  1. KDevelop: It's available on Windows (possibly outdated) but it's not on Microsoft Store: https://www.kdevelop.org/download
Feb 13 2021, 4:47 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14122: Get apps into the Microsoft Store.

First glaring absence: Kdenlive. It's available on Windows but it's not on Microsoft Store. https://kdenlive.org/en/download/

Feb 13 2021, 4:44 PM · KDE Promo

Feb 4 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14091: Improve the App Update Announcements.

I like KDE Gear, and it also fits the KDE logo :)

Feb 4 2021, 7:38 PM · Goal: All About the Apps, KDE Applications, KDE Promo

Feb 3 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T14091: Improve the App Update Announcements.

I think Nate's proposal is sensible. +1

Feb 3 2021, 7:03 PM · Goal: All About the Apps, KDE Applications, KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14091: Improve the App Update Announcements.

I don't know if I'm misunderstanding this or not, as I'm new to the promo team, but I think a get it...

Feb 3 2021, 1:31 AM · Goal: All About the Apps, KDE Applications, KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T14091: Improve the App Update Announcements.
Feb 3 2021, 1:28 AM · Goal: All About the Apps, KDE Applications, KDE Promo

Jan 26 2021

Guilhermems added a comment to T12222: Figure out manufacturers to contact on using Plasma as an available default.

Hi @Guilhermems, the KDE e.V. board in collaboration with some community members is working on maintaining and building some of the relationships mentioned here.

Do you have something specific in mind?

As suggested above, if you plan to reach out to an organization on behalf of KDE, please first email in advance the board via kde-ev-board@kde.org to coordinate efforts.

Jan 26 2021, 8:38 PM · KDE Promo
Guilhermems added a comment to T12222: Figure out manufacturers to contact on using Plasma as an available default.

Has any progress been made on this task?

Jan 26 2021, 5:50 AM · KDE Promo