Correct the accept flag of the event object on DragMove

Authored by trmdi on Nov 3 2018, 5:40 PM.


  • m_enabled or m_temporaryInhibition could change while DragMove, so we should place setAccepted() on top of the function body. Otherwise, the accept flag of event could be wrong in the case m_enabled or m_temporaryInhibition changes while DragMove.
  • Don't call setAccepted(false) wrongly if event->pos() == m_oldDragMovePo

BUG: 396011

Test Plan
  • Drag a file from Dolphin -> Desktop (Desktop containment layout) -> too difficult -> fixed
  • Drag an icon on Desktop (Folder view layout) from one place to another one -> too difficult -> fixed
  • Add widgets to the Plasma panel -> too difficult -> fixed
  • Drag a file from Dolphin -> Desktop (Folder view layout) -> still easy

Diff Detail

R296 KDeclarative
Lint Skipped
Unit Tests Skipped
trmdi created this revision.Nov 3 2018, 5:40 PM
Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks. · View Herald TranscriptNov 3 2018, 5:40 PM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: kde-frameworks-devel. · View Herald Transcript
trmdi requested review of this revision.Nov 3 2018, 5:40 PM
ngraham added a subscriber: ngraham.

Wow, does this really fix 396011!? If so, congratulations! I wish I could test, but alas (or thankfully?) I don't experience the problem.

dkorth added a subscriber: dkorth.Nov 3 2018, 6:29 PM

This fixes the issue for me for both desktop icons and panel widgets.

Using KF 5.51, Plasma 5.14.2, and Qt 5.11.2.

trmdi added a comment.Nov 3 2018, 6:30 PM

Wow, does this really fix 396011!? If so, congratulations! I wish I could test, but alas (or thankfully?) I don't experience the problem.

Yes, it fixes the problem on my system.
But I am not sure, because I've just started learning C++ recently and this is my first patch. It could be wrong, but I hope someone else could improve it.

trmdi retitled this revision from Correct m_enabled on DragMove to Correct the accept flag of the event object on DragMove .Nov 3 2018, 6:41 PM
bruns added a subscriber: bruns.Nov 3 2018, 7:13 PM

So if I understand it correctly, the sequence of events is:

  • an object is dragged to the target area
  • m_enabled is initially false
  • m_enabled becomes true because the object is acceptable
  • the mouse is moved, but the integer position probably is unchanged, so the event is ignored/rejected

In any case, I think the setAccepted(m_enabled) should go below the first if statement, and as m_enabled == true holds afterwards, you can use event->accept().

trmdi added a comment.EditedNov 4 2018, 12:31 AM

If setAccepted goes below the first if:

  • if there is a change that make m_enabled change from true -> false while moving, the cursor still display the draggable icon

So I let it be on the top to make the cursor be able to change the icon to forbidden one right away.

bruns added a comment.EditedNov 4 2018, 12:34 AM

If setAccepted goes below the first if:

  • if there is a change that make m_enabled change from true -> false while moving, the cursor still display the draggable icon

    So I let it be on the top to make the cursor be able to change the icon to forbidden one right away.

This is not covered by your summary - you have only listed cases where the drag is erroneously not accepted. Please update the summary.

trmdi added a comment.Nov 4 2018, 12:45 AM
This comment was removed by trmdi.
trmdi added a comment.Nov 4 2018, 12:48 AM

This is not covered by your summary - you have only listed cases where the drag is erroneously not accepted. Please update the summary.

I wrote it in the first line:

m_enabled could change while moving.

trmdi added a comment.EditedNov 4 2018, 1:20 AM

How to see the full file content from this page? "Show raw file" doesn't work. Sorry, I'm new to Phabricator.

trmdi edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Nov 4 2018, 5:38 AM
trmdi edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Nov 4 2018, 5:42 AM

How to see the full file content from this page? "Show raw file" doesn't work. Sorry, I'm new to Phabricator.

You need to either use arc to create the diff (see or else add context manually by using git diff -U9999 to generate your diff.

trmdi updated this revision to Diff 44860.EditedNov 4 2018, 5:47 PM

git diff -U9999 -- DeclarativeDropArea.cpp > patch.diff

Is git-diff-with-full-context a requirement?

bruns added a comment.Nov 4 2018, 9:17 PM

This is not covered by your summary - you have only listed cases where the drag is erroneously not accepted. Please update the summary.

I wrote it in the first line:

m_enabled could change while moving.

You made the summary worse ...

m_enabled may change between consecutive DragMove events, but not during an event.

In this case, though, it does not, and is constantly true. You can verify this by attaching a debugger or by adding debug statements.

The only wrong code part is the setAccepted(false), which should be setAccepted(true) (or just accept(), both are equivalent).

trmdi added a comment.EditedNov 5 2018, 2:10 AM

m_enabled may change between consecutive DragMove events, but not during an event.

In this case, though, it does not, and is constantly true. You can verify this by attaching a debugger or by adding debug statements.

The only wrong code part is the setAccepted(false), which should be setAccepted(true) (or just accept(), both are equivalent).

Please see these videos, note the cursor icon:

bruns added a comment.Nov 6 2018, 7:25 PM

m_enabled may change between consecutive DragMove events, but not during an event.

In this case, though, it does not, and is constantly true. You can verify this by attaching a debugger or by adding debug statements.

The only wrong code part is the setAccepted(false), which should be setAccepted(true) (or just accept(), both are equivalent).

Please see these videos, note the cursor icon:

You have a conceptual misunderstanding of the enabled property, see QQuickItem

enabled : bool
This property holds whether the item receives mouse and keyboard events. By default this is true.

It would also be good if you stick to one issue at a time.

trmdi added a comment.Nov 7 2018, 1:38 AM

!Ping Reviewers

Please review this. It's just a very simple patch.

anthonyfieroni added inline comments.
97 ↗(On Diff #44860)

Change it to accept() and try it.

trmdi added a comment.EditedNov 8 2018, 1:02 AM

You have a conceptual misunderstanding of the enabled property, see QQuickItem

enabled : bool
This property holds whether the item receives mouse and keyboard events. By default this is true.

Yes, but what do you think about this:

accepted : bool
Setting the accept parameter indicates that the event receiver wants the event.

Isn't DropArea the event receiver? What's wrong when I use m_enabled for setAccepted(bool accepted) ?

It would also be good if you stick to one issue at a time.

Why for a very simple one-line patch ?

bruns added a comment.Nov 8 2018, 1:06 AM

You have a conceptual misunderstanding of the enabled property, see QQuickItem

enabled : bool
This property holds whether the item receives mouse and keyboard events. By default this is true.

Yes, but what do you think about this:

accepted : bool
Setting the accept parameter indicates that the event receiver wants the event.

Isn't DragArea the event receiver?

If it does not receive any events, it can and must not accept. All events go to the parent.

trmdi added a comment.EditedNov 8 2018, 2:43 AM

If it does not receive any events, it can and must not accept. All events go to the parent.

DeclarativeDropArea::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *event) is called only when it receives the event, isn't it?
When it does not receive any events like you said, it does nothing. So what's wrong with my patch ? It only corrects the accept flag when it is the event receiver, nothing else.

mart accepted this revision.Dec 3 2018, 9:58 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 3 2018, 9:58 AM
mart requested changes to this revision.Dec 3 2018, 10:01 AM
This revision now requires changes to proceed.Dec 3 2018, 10:01 AM
mart accepted this revision.Dec 3 2018, 10:02 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 3 2018, 10:02 AM
trmdi added a comment.Dec 3 2018, 11:04 AM

I don't know what to do next, can you help me @ngraham ?

bruns added a comment.Dec 3 2018, 11:07 AM

This should not be accepted as is, it breaks the temporaryInhibition case when a DropArea is child of another

No competence here, sorry. Perhaps @bruns or a Plasma person can help.

trmdi added a comment.Dec 3 2018, 6:02 PM

This should not be accepted as is, it breaks the temporaryInhibition case when a DropArea is child of another

Ok, could you write a simple QML file to show that case?

trmdi added a comment.Dec 18 2018, 1:33 PM

!ping @hein

Could you land this patch?

Only if that potential issue with inhibition has been addressed

trmdi added a comment.Dec 18 2018, 1:39 PM

Only if that potential issue with inhibition has been addressed

You mean @bruns is right and I'm wrong?

I'm not blaming anyone, I'm merely stating that there is a potential issue with this patch that might not have been addressed and needs @bruns further input.

trmdi added a comment.Dec 19 2018, 1:34 AM

Is it better if I change the line 91 to event->setAccepted(m_enabled && !m_temporaryInhibition) @bruns ?

trmdi updated this revision to Diff 47815.Dec 19 2018, 3:07 AM
trmdi edited reviewers, added: bruns; removed: davidedmundson.
trmdi added a comment.Dec 26 2018, 5:32 PM

What will happen if @bruns doesn't want to reply here anymore?
I've updated the patch, can you review it ? @broulik

A lot of folks are probably out on vacation, BTW.

trmdi edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Dec 27 2018, 2:57 AM
trmdi added a comment.Jan 9 2019, 9:01 AM

I've updated the patch, can you review it ?

Only if that potential issue with inhibition has been addressed

trmdi added a comment.Jan 9 2019, 9:30 AM
This comment was removed by trmdi.
aacid added a subscriber: aacid.Jan 16 2019, 10:56 PM

@bruns waiting for your comment on whether your issues were addressed or not

fvogt added a subscriber: fvogt.Jan 31 2019, 8:23 PM

I tried to understand what this change does both by trying to reproduce the issue and reading Qt code.
Here the symptom was more drags not getting accepted at all than flipping back and forth, but this patch fixes that as well.

What might cause confusion is that the DeclarativeDropArea::enabled property is unrelated to QQuickItem::enabled.
If the latter is set to disabled, events don't get delivered at all (== rejected) and this should work directly (so I wonder why
this has a custom property at all).

From what I can tell this patch actually does two independent changes:

  • Not actively ignoring an event if the move didn't change position (this is enough to fix my case, but apparently not for @trmdi, can you clarify?)
  • Actively rejecting an event if the area is "disabled" or "temporarily inhibited" to prevent stealing of the event by any parent areas

IMO the first change is absolutely correct - actively reejecting a move breaks the drag.

The second change seems to be necessary because DragMove events are considered to be accepted by the current drag target item by default.
So it needs to be rejected actively if "disabled" or "inhibited". This is normally done by Qt itself for disabled items, but as this reimplements a custom
enabled property it needs to be done manually.

I suggest to wait until Monday whether @bruns has something to add, but if there's no objection this can IMO be landed.

@bruns? Last call before we land this. :)

bruns added a comment.Feb 5 2019, 1:24 AM

As fvogt already said, the current (old) code is wrong, the event should not be blindly ignored (line 97).

The second change fvogt mentioned is IMHO handled quite strangely here - !m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition is the inverse of !m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition, so doing a event->ignore() === event->setAccepted(false) prior to the first return statement would cover the ignored case, and allows the event to bubble up.

This leaves the cases where the area is neither disabled nor inhibited. For large moves (pos() changed >= 1.0 pixels), the event is accepted, and the event is delivered to the quick item, where it can be left as is (accepted), or reset to ignored by the code.

Why is a small move handled differently? Shouldn't the if (event->pos() == oldDragMovePos) code path be removed completely?

fvogt added a comment.Feb 5 2019, 8:44 AM

The second change fvogt mentioned is IMHO handled quite strangely here - !m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition is the inverse of !m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition, so doing a event->ignore() === event->setAccepted(false) prior to the first return statement would cover the ignored case, and allows the event to bubble up.

Sure, but AFAICT that's just a matter of taste whether to ignore(); if(!something) return; do stuff; accept(); or accept(something); if(!something) return; do stuff;.

Why is a small move handled differently? Shouldn't the if (event->pos() == oldDragMovePos) code path be removed completely?

To not send a move event without position changes. DeclarativeDragDropEvent only has integer positions. Removing this condition might break existing code.

bruns added a comment.Feb 5 2019, 2:45 PM

The second change fvogt mentioned is IMHO handled quite strangely here - !m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition is the inverse of !m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition, so doing a event->ignore() === event->setAccepted(false) prior to the first return statement would cover the ignored case, and allows the event to bubble up.

Sure, but AFAICT that's just a matter of taste whether to ignore(); if(!something) return; do stuff; accept(); or accept(something); if(!something) return; do stuff;.

Its about the duplicate evaluation of !m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition. Expecially as it is not easy to spot both conditions are exactly the same.


event->setAccepted(m_enabled && !m_temporaryInhibition);
if (!m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition) {


if (!m_enabled || m_temporaryInhibition) {
fvogt added a comment.Feb 5 2019, 2:51 PM

@trmdi: Can you do the small change @bruns suggested? ^ Then it can be landed and everyone's happy :-)

bruns added a comment.EditedFeb 5 2019, 5:49 PM

@trmdi: Can you do the small change @bruns suggested? ^ Then it can be landed and everyone's happy :-)


but it would also good if the summary were cleaned up - the issue is not caused by "m_enabled changed during DragMove", but by handling the event incorrectly in the "small move" code path.

Also, I have a hard time guessing what "too difficult" in the test plan means, without any prior knowledge.

trmdi updated this revision to Diff 50979.Feb 5 2019, 6:35 PM
fvogt accepted this revision.Feb 5 2019, 6:47 PM

@trmdi: Do you have push access? If not, which name <mail> should be used for the commit?

trmdi added a comment.Feb 5 2019, 6:54 PM

@trmdi: Do you have push access? If not, which name <mail> should be used for the commit?

No, I don't. / Tranter Madi

Hmm, should this go to the 5.15 branch too?

Never mind, missed that this was for a Frameworks repo.

Phabricator can take up to 30 minutes to become aware of commits depending on how active a repository normally is.

trmdi added a comment.Feb 5 2019, 7:04 PM

Nice, my first patch finally has been accepted.
Thanks everyone!

Btw, can you @bcooksley help me to change my name in my profile? Tranter Madi

Please update your name on Identity, then i'll sync it from there.

trmdi added a comment.Feb 5 2019, 7:32 PM

Please update your name on Identity, then i'll sync it from there.

Thank you!

Your name has now been updated.