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Sep 1 2022

wojnilowicz added a comment to T15647: Keep it light, make it lighter.

File indexing, as an example, is not a feature that you can simply remove or disable by default. It is something that users rightfully expect out of their operating system.

Sep 1 2022, 5:57 PM · Goal Setting 2022

Apr 9 2021

wojnilowicz added a comment to T13753: Create Polish translation for Krita.org.

@wojnilowicz - Ahh ok, so you are doing the translations.

For translating krita.org there are two parts.

  1. PO file that has the translations for the theme file
  2. WordPress HTML translations stored in a SQL database

    I believe @tymond has done the first part and I have already uploaded that. For other languages, what we have been doing is that I give someone a bunch of HTML files. Then they translate the text and send them back to me. I copy and paste them into WordPress and enable the language?

    Do you need all the HTML files?
Apr 9 2021, 1:07 PM · Krita: Website and Translations

Apr 5 2021

wojnilowicz added a comment to T13753: Create Polish translation for Krita.org.

@tymond - That last message was probably for you send by @wojnilowicz . Is this something you are going to have time for with all the Krita 5 stuff going on. I think we left off with having the PO files, but needing all the WordPress translations for the pages

@wojnilowicz - FYI tymond (tiar) is from Poland, so I thought she was going to be doing the translation for a lot of the page content. If she doesn't have time we will need someone else that can translate those sections.

Apr 5 2021, 2:25 PM · Krita: Website and Translations

Feb 28 2021

wojnilowicz added a comment to T13753: Create Polish translation for Krita.org.

@scottpetrovic krita.org still isn't available in Polish. An user appeared who volunteered to translate it, but it seems that it's already translated but not committed. What needs to be done next?

Feb 28 2021, 8:48 AM · Krita: Website and Translations

Jan 1 2021

wojnilowicz added a comment to T11070: Better (online) localization.

I think it's good idea.

Jan 1 2021, 4:20 PM · Localization, Goal Setting 2019
wojnilowicz added a comment to T11070: Better (online) localization.

Hi, @yurchor!

Could you please explain your total opposition to having Weblate as another source of translations?

Because I've used it for several years.

I think that we do not need "another source of translations". With Weblate/Transifex/whatever you will soon find that the team coordinator is gone, or do not want to approve your translations, or you do not want to approve somebody's translations. The problem was not with tools (again). One more tool just makes the current life harder. Just look at this thread. All the problems can be solved with better team management.

You are constantly saying that "the performance will be much lower", but noone in this thread says about forbidding direct pushes into svn/gitlab repository with translations.

No. Quite opposite. They say that it is hard/should be cut off/left for the "power" users.

More than that, @sanecito has just confirmed that one can lock the file in Weblate and work with it in his/her own way. Why can't you just lock the file in Weblate and go translating it in Lokalize?

Why should I lock it first?

Just an example. Today we have ~40 new strings in ~10 catalogs. I should go and find one of ~1000 KDE catalogs and lock it. ~5 mins of my time gone for nothing. I guess that overall probability that nobody wants to translate something is about 99.99%.

Another example. XX locked the catalog and gone. Who will unlock it for an abandoned language?

These locks are of no good for anybody except scripty or developers.

With such workflow Weblate will just work as a "translations coordinator", which distributes jobs among people. Where do I get it wrong?

Everywhere. First, most of the complaints are from people who do not want the distribution of jobs. They just want to change something and vanish.

Second, we are speaking about teams with 2-3 active translators (most KDE teams). "Coordination" in such teams is rather simplistic. You just translate, translate, and translate. Once in several months comes a guy/girl with a new translation which you have to review. Once a year, you have a correct bug report about a mistake in translation.

Almost all Weblate features are unusable in such a workflow. You just want to get rid of any coordination and go Launchpad/Rosetta way (or Transifex way like it is for MATE or Deepin), to be honest.

Jan 1 2021, 2:35 PM · Localization, Goal Setting 2019