Add separate lib KF5::DBusRunner

Authored by kossebau on Jan 24 2018, 3:27 PM.



Enables writing remote-via-D-Bus krunner plugins without
having to care for any boilerplate of D-Bus calls.

Diff Detail

R308 KRunner
No Linters Available
No Unit Test Coverage
kossebau created this revision.Jan 24 2018, 3:27 PM
Restricted Application added a project: Frameworks. · View Herald TranscriptJan 24 2018, 3:27 PM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Frameworks. · View Herald Transcript
kossebau requested review of this revision.Jan 24 2018, 3:27 PM

Cool! Dunno if this has to be a separate library? But then it would allow for super thin dependencies as it's just Qt DBus, I don't really mind either.


Isn't this file compile-time generated from xml?


Should be pimpl this? once we commit to this we can never add new fields but then the DBus signature is also now or never.. I think we should add subtext and url to the main struct since I always use the two. Originally David and I thought we could put them in properties as they're seldom used but turns out they're not.


Can we static assert this in the dbus runner somehow? But I guess since it's a separate lib you cannot

A first draft of some util code for writing D-Bus KRunner plugins, partially tested to work. See D10079 for the Baloo krunner plugin being adapted to it.

Tries to simulate the KRunner::AbstractRunner API a little, to where the krunner1 D-Bus interface makes that easy to do.

Forking KRunner::QueryMatch::Type to KDBusRunner::QueryMatch::Type is not perfect, but allows to just have QtCore in public link interface and QtDBus in the private, so does not pull in all the deps of KF5::Runner just for this enum definition.

While I put this into a subdir for now, all the code of KDBusRunner is independent, perhaps it makes sense to move it into a separate tier1 framework module?
For the future perhaps there could be a XDG D-Bus interface for such quicksearch plugins, so a separate krunner-independent library would make sense for that as well.

kossebau added inline comments.Jan 24 2018, 4:41 PM

It can be, yes. I had switched for reason* to manually written one, but with the public class API no longer affected by reason* I could/should perhaps switch back.
Nothing really won or lost though by having a non-generated class.

*qdbusxml2cpp picks up the casing of the method names in the D-Bus interface and expects them also to be used in the wrapped class. D-Bus method naming standard seems to be "UpperCase", which also used in the krunner1 interface ("Actions", "Run", "Query").
While in our Qt-style code we prefer method names to be with lowerCaseStart.
And given the purpose of the lib is "being nice&easy to use", I switched to a manually adapted version of the adaptor code. Compare e.g. changed to API of TestRemoteRunner.
Later though, when I went to use QDBusContext for enabling the async match collection, I avoided leaking that detail in the public API and moved all D-Bus stuff to the pimpl object. Where having "UpperCaseStart" methods is not harming public consumers.
Whatever people prefer, no own preference.


Indeed, DBus signature being fixed is also why I wrote the simple struct for now instead of setter/getter pimpl API.
Having learned how to use c++11 initlalizer lists recently I also now fancy their use where possible ;) and in the little sample cpde I played for now using initializer lists worked nicely, no need for explicit setters. No getters used even. After all the runners are just producing that content usually and do no own further processing, but just deliver it.

Putting subtext and url to the main struct if you like. No idea yet how to adapt the marshalling, given those two need to be in the a{sv}, but possibly can be done with some temporary variantmap. No big runtime costs, and will be nicer API.

No strong opinion here as well. You decide and I will write :)


No idea yet how to automatically ensure this :/ Why are there no guides with tips & tricks for D-Bus interface types?!

For the future perhaps there could be a XDG D-Bus interface for such quicksearch plugins, so a separate krunner-independent library would make sense for that as well.

Gnome does have an equivalent: org.gnome.Shell.SearchProvider2

It's similar to how I would have done it if I wasn't trying to fit into the existing krunner achitecture.
But it's not feasible do retrofit into here.

Making a client API speak both... /might/ be feasible.

I want to us to make sure this is still usable without a library dependency, but I think having this makes sense for the KDE apps. Definitely +1 to the idea.

I like how you've made it so you can reply in a sync or async way without making the sync version too complex.
I have a proposal that re-arranges a little bit to take it just a bit further.

void match( QSharedPointer<MatchContext> context)
that context object stores the m_mLastMatchDBusMessage and has the addMatches methods and it calls finish in its destructor

If a user wants to reply normally, they just do context.setMatches() in this method, with nothing else.

The baloo/p-b-i code can cache the latest MatchContext as a member variable exactly like they currently cache the lastMessage, and everything else gets automatically taken care of.
(with this API it looks quite easy to send the wrong data as a reply if a user doesn't handle the cancel signal correctly)

If a user wants to reply to all messages, they can too.


please add a virtual hook for future expansion


Can you put a 1 in the class name for future proofing.

davidedmundson commandeered this revision.Mar 12 2018, 11:59 PM
davidedmundson edited reviewers, added: kossebau; removed: davidedmundson.

Add the two really boring changes I wanted
(virtual hook + class rename)

Rewritten with the second class I suggested.

Not trying to comandeer your work, if you think it was better before, go for that.

IMHO it's nice and OO now with the submit/cancel methods being with the data.

It allows a client to:

  • easily respond in a sync fashion, with one less line than before
  • easily keep track of the latest request, without having to track signals
  • optionally respond to every request in any arbitrary order (if using threads)

Context needs some docs, but I thought I'd let you comment first.

@davidedmundson Thanks for blowing new life into this patch :) The OO approach sounds nice and good to have, but no chance yet to look in detail.

While I had started some local changes following your feedback/proposals, I had stalled further activity as I got stuck understanding how krunner currently supports signalling of plugin config changes (from what I found, currently the Plasma::AbstractRunner::reloadConfiguration() is not used, instead krunner app reloads all plugins on config change of one?) and also as I hit bug ("Milou cancels/resets the search if there are no first result after 500 ms") without any direct clue what to do there. As well as the need to develop multi-agent D-Bus krunner plugin support. Too many road-blocks for my non-urgent needs, so had turned to drive other coding entertainment roads noted on my FUNTODO map with more promising quick ROI :P

Given the use cases I had in mind for this dbus runner lib, I would like to have both things (config change signalling & multi-agent support) first sorted out and accordingly integrated into the API, before going public. With your active attention again, I will see to get active on this as well again, hopefully this or next week :)

davidedmundson marked an inline comment as done.Mar 13 2018, 3:14 PM

If the config modules and runner executables will always be written by the same dev and shipped together I don't think we gain much by trying to generic-ify it.

The config writing and reading and syncing will all custom so they may as well do their own signalling. They can emit an anonymous DBus signal in the relevant config plugin ::save() if needed and watching for that in the search app. It'll be just 2 lines, and gives more granular control if needed.

As well as the need to develop multi-agent D-Bus krunner plugin support

I had promised to do that. I'm just incredibly slow on my promises. I'll get to it unless you beat me to it.

I had promised to do that. I'm just incredibly slow on my promises. I'll get to it unless you beat me to it.

That's now done.

Unless you disagree with my opinion on config signalling, is there anything else we need?

bruns added a subscriber: bruns.Apr 11 2018, 9:39 PM
kossebau commandeered this revision.Apr 23 2018, 6:39 PM
kossebau edited reviewers, added: davidedmundson; removed: kossebau.
kossebau updated this revision to Diff 32916.Apr 23 2018, 9:18 PM

Updating with proposed further massaging of the API

  • changed some class/method names to closely follow KRunner terms: (RunnerContext, query)
  • moved RunnerContext into separate header (for one per class)
  • moving submit/cancel methods back to AbstractRunner

Keeping RunnerContext a pure data container and AbstractRunner as responsible
for creating and consuming these objects feels more balanced and means less
spreading of responsibilities/functionality.

The auto-submit in the destructor of RunnerContext left a feel of lack of
control to the API user given the passing of RunnerContext as sharedpointer.
Also reading the code and seeing only startMatching, one would wonder how
actually the matching is completed. Having to read up in the API dox might
not make up for the otherwise unneeded additional call.

One challenge I found when tinkering around with this:
a D-Bus runner could in theory receive multiple calls at the same time, from
one or multiple processes. While the RunnerContext now would allow handling
multiple overlapping requests easily, I have yet to get an idea how/if
overlapping D-Bus calls work in general, with QtDBus in detail and even more
how the D-Bus proxy krunner acts when a newer query is asked for (e.g. on
quick typing). The current code at least should be prepared in theory to
some bit.

davidedmundson requested changes to this revision.Apr 23 2018, 9:49 PM
davidedmundson added inline comments.

This undermines the advantages of my changes.
Its not object oriented anymore.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Apr 23 2018, 9:49 PM
kossebau added inline comments.Apr 23 2018, 10:24 PM

I tried to reason in the update message why I think after having tried that API that some other OO approach feels better to me. Any chance you missed that, given you do not refer to the arguments given there here?

I read your comments.

I had also left a description when I first made the change.

This makes it quite easy for a developer to screw up and block krunner.
The RAII approach makes it very very hard for a developer to screw up with any of the multiple usage patterns.

This makes it quite easy for a developer to screw up and block krunner.
The RAII approach makes it very very hard for a developer to screw up with any of the multiple usage patterns.

Seems we have two different main design motives then: mine was to keep the classes/concepts close to the in-process krunner plugin ones, yours is to try to lower the chance of blocked calls :)

Guess I am not so burned by blocked krunner plugins to give that so much weight, as I also do not see the danger of people forgetting to do any finishMatching call. And would argue that the D-Bus Krunner.side proxy should protect itself in general against remote D-Bus krunner services locking themselves up in other ways.

Your project, your call/decision :)

I propose two renames though:

  1. class "*Context" -> "MatchReply" (or similar/better): the "*Context" class in normal in-process krunner plugins has a different, passive purpose, also might "submit/cancel a context" not make that much sense? (non-native speaker here, might miss out phrase meanings)
  2. request handling method name "startMatching" -> "handleMatchRequest"(or similar/better): for a method "start*" I would expect some counterpart methods on the same class/object.

I could not remember a Qt/KF class following the same pattern (something like single-thread service class with a handler method to do async request replies), so no existing naming pattern handy for proposal.

At least I imagine that as developer having to reimplement

virtual void handleMatchRequest(const MatchReply::Ptr &matchReply);

one has a better idea about what to do, compared to

virtual void startMatching(const RunnerContext::Ptr &context);

Even if the mixing of request properties (query string) into the reply class spoils the concepts a little. But splitting that off into another separate object makes the code more complex again, so that trade-off could be fine.

We have lots of KJob API patterns when *making* an async call to something else.
I can't think of any async-ly handling somethign else (except for maybe slavebase) , so we are in a fairly unique position here.

I really like your suggestions with respect to namings. ++

kossebau updated this revision to Diff 33026.Apr 25 2018, 12:46 AM

update to MatchReply & handleMatchRequest

kossebau updated this revision to Diff 33064.Apr 25 2018, 1:08 PM

also cancel any still running reply on deleting the runner instance

API dox still needs overhaul, just concentrated on code for now to keep feedback loop rolling

davidedmundson requested changes to this revision.Apr 25 2018, 1:16 PM
davidedmundson added inline comments.

you can't (and don't need to) keep a list here.

It will break the MatchReply destructor calling submit working

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Apr 25 2018, 1:16 PM
kossebau added inline comments.Apr 25 2018, 1:31 PM

How would you think it does break?

submit() tests if the reply is still valid, and only if it is then does create the d-bus message and also unregister from the runner instance.

The runner itself uses this list to keep track of all active replies to cancel them if itself set to disabled or destructed (which might be corner-cases, but seems fine to have them covered).

How would you think it does break?

If the runner has a reference to a sharedpointer then that object will never be deleted and we'll never hit the auto submit in the runner destructor.

How would you think it does break?

If the runner has a reference to a sharedpointer then that object will never be deleted and we'll never hit the auto submit in the runner destructor.

Right, in case of the if :) Just (for this reason) this is not using the sharedpointer reference to the normal MatchReply object, instead using a pointer to the MatchReplyPrivate object. (Current unit test would also not work otherwise, given it relies on auto-submit).
I will add some comments to the code to make this more clear to any future code reader.

davidedmundson accepted this revision.Apr 25 2018, 3:05 PM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 25 2018, 3:05 PM

Good, seems we found agreed-on codebase :) Will brush over the API dox/code comments some more for a final thumb-up.

Though after yesterday's prototyping of further dbusrunner plugins there is another thing where I might want to suggest some API change to be more future-proof (for some possible org.kde.krunner2):

Currently the match requests have no support for being cancelled (not part of org.kde.krunner1 D-Bus API, and have not found something on the D-Bus layer how to signal the discarding the wait for a reply). The baloo dbusrunner simply only handles the latest request. which surely covers the typical use-case, still, it will continue to handle the latest request even if there is no longer interest in it. That approach might be an issue once there are more cpu-intensive dbusrunners, wasting resources (cpu/io) when not needed.

To prepare for that it might make sense to turn MatchReply into a QObject, so it could get some signal validChanged or similar added once the backend supports discarding. While there currently already is a method to query the valid state, this is more a small convenience method given that right now it is under full control of the plugin developer when a MatchReply will get invalid, it will only happen on actions done via the API. But once the valid state can change by remote activitiy, a signal might be nice to have.
Using a QObject would also allow to switch from the fragile QVector<MatchReplyPrivate*> mActiveMatchReplies to using a QPointer-based approach on the real MatchReply objects, which might be less fragile.

What do you think? Would give this a separate try tonight, to get some idea.

What do you think? Would give this a separate try tonight, to get some idea.

Forwarding AbstractRunner::teardown is something I'd fully support.
At which point you don't need a signal in the context. IMO that's making things overly complex.

Note that the ThreadWeaver stuff in Krunner client is pretty messed up, so cancelling and whatnot doesn't really work as-is.

Using a QObject would also allow to switch from the fragile QVector<MatchReplyPrivate*> mActiveMatchReplies to using a QPointer-based approach on the real MatchReply objects, which might be less

You can use QWeakPointer already. I don't think it's particularly needed though.

kossebau updated this revision to Diff 33114.Apr 25 2018, 11:39 PM
  • change #pragma once to traditional include guards, not yet part of kf policies
  • adapt all file names to class names
  • brush over API docs

What do you think? Would give this a separate try tonight, to get some idea.

Forwarding AbstractRunner::teardown is something I'd fully support.

Forwarding AbstractRunner::teardown would be nice to have as well.

Though I have been thinking of forwarding some (not yet existing) RunnerContext::isValidChanged() signal, once krunner has decided to no longer be interested in a context, due to query string having been changed by user,

From my prototyping experiments I can tell that the current approach of recommending in API docs to discard-existing-request-if-new-one-arrived-as-we-assume-just-one-client-who-simply-upgraded-to-a-new-request feels incomplete/undecided. As implemtor I want to know which requests should be handled and which not.

So a choice should be made:
a) this should be codified as policy in KDBusRunner::AbstractRunner, to e.g. set any tracked existing MatchReply to invalid once a new request arrived,
b) the concept of potentially parallel independent request should be officially supported (think e.g. stand-alone runner applets showing results in permanent non-popup list, updating automatically to some data source used as query string)

In case b) it would be then good to have a way to tell which requests can be discarded and which should still get a full match reply.

Actually I think we should hard-code a) for now, while at the same time leaving the option for b) once people start to have motivation to see b) supported.

At which point you don't need a signal in the context. IMO that's making things overly complex.

Note that the ThreadWeaver stuff in Krunner client is pretty messed up, so cancelling and whatnot doesn't really work as-is.

Yes, the RunnerContext currently becomes suddenly invalid but without signalling to the runner plugins when it happens, one has to actively query. But this could be fixed, given RunnerContext is a QObject.

Using a QObject would also allow to switch from the fragile QVector<MatchReplyPrivate*> mActiveMatchReplies to using a QPointer-based approach on the real MatchReply objects, which might be less

You can use QWeakPointer already. I don't think it's particularly needed though.

Did not know about QWeakPointer, might have a closer look if things could be implemented less fragile with it.

Though making MatchReply a QObject for the mentioned purpose continues to make sense to me, even more now.

davidedmundson added a comment.EditedApr 25 2018, 11:52 PM

From my prototyping experiments I can tell that the current approach of recommending in API docs to discard-existing-request-if-new-one-arrived-as-we-assume-just-one-client-who-simply-upgraded-to-a-new-request feels incomplete/undecided

Not really. It leaves it up to the implementor. It covers the simple case well, and any advanced case is still do-able quite easily.

Adding QObjects in context doesn't make sense. If you're processing stuff you won't process the signal. If you're not processing things then you don't need the signal.

From my prototyping experiments I can tell that the current approach of recommending in API docs to discard-existing-request-if-new-one-arrived-as-we-assume-just-one-client-who-simply-upgraded-to-a-new-request feels incomplete/undecided

Not really. It leaves it up to the implementor. It covers the simple case well, and any advanced case is still do-able quite easily.

? As implementor, I can report you first hand: I want to know whether it makes sense to continue handling a MatchReply or if not. As in: what is the minimum I need to do to correctly and completely serve the requests.

Having an API which has me doing potentially useless stuff because it does not tell me whether something is useful to do or not, would we not call this a broken API?

Adding QObjects in context doesn't make sense. If you're processing stuff you won't process the signal. If you're not processing things then you don't need the signal.

Well, it makes sense once you process things in other threads with event loops due to further async processing, no?

kossebau updated this revision to Diff 33152.Apr 26 2018, 3:31 PM
  • make MatchReply a QObject & change isValid to isFinished (+ signal) + allows to make MatchReplyPrivate unaware of AbstractRunnerPrivate by using the signal for unregistering + closer in API terms to existing *Reply classes in Qt spheres + finished signal can be used in eventloop-based processing to cancel
  • cancel for now any still active matchreply once a new match request arrives removes the need for implementors to decide how to deal with overlapping requests now and in the future, they just can rely on the finished state of the MatchReply object to decide whether to complete it
kossebau abandoned this revision.May 1 2018, 4:00 PM

Discarding for now as developers could not agree on API. Might be picked up later in one way or another.