Calendar application
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Calendar application which allows to,

  • Set reminders
  • View agenda

(though for 1.0 version reminders/agenda can be ignored)

For calender application, you may choose two different options:

Basic application would be kirigami application built around this libs.

Knowledge Requirements: Willing to learn Qt/QML, CMake.

System Requirements: You can develop this application on normal Linux system, and test it in native Linux system. If you want to test it on Plasma Mobile system, you can use actual Mobile device or Plasma Mobile x86 ISO in emulated environment.

Design Resources:

Development Resources:

bshah created this task.Sep 4 2017, 2:23 PM
bshah updated the task description. (Show Details)May 19 2018, 11:57 AM
bshah updated the task description. (Show Details)May 19 2018, 12:54 PM
bshah triaged this task as Normal priority.May 27 2018, 11:29 AM
dkardarakos updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 26 2018, 4:38 PM
dkardarakos renamed this task from Calendar application to [wip] Calendar application.Aug 1 2018, 2:24 PM
dkardarakos claimed this task.

Here you can find the wip calendar work. Currently, it consumes plasma-framework calendar models. If possible, we may try to change model dependencies and create some kirigami calendar ui components.

Calendar tasks functionality added. VDG feedback is welcome.


To add a new task:

  • Select a day

  • Open the context drawer

  • Select Add task
  • Populate the task fields in the FormLayout

  • Trigger either the Save or the Cancel action

To show existing tasks:

  • Select a day
  • Open the context drawer
  • Select Show tasks
  • The tasks of the selected day are displayed in a CardsListView

To edit or delete an existing task:

  • Select a day
  • Open the context drawer
  • Select Show tasks
  • The tasks of the selected day are displayed in the CardsListView
  • Trigger either the Edit or the Delete contextual action

Looks really nice already!
I'm not a designer, but I'd suggest making the calender fill the whole page.

The centered add task form also seems a little unfamiliar to me, I'd probably make it top aligned.

Apart from that, I like the design of the calendar "widget" itself.

pilee added a subscriber: pilee.Dec 1 2018, 6:22 PM

Project's code is now available at Calindori repository.

abetts added a subscriber: abetts.Jan 4 2019, 3:19 PM

If you want, you can go to the KDE VDG Channel and request some design help as you go along. The app is shaping up nicely.

Screenshots added, feedback welcome.

Great! :)
If you need visual feedback:

  1. Card names and date in the details view are misaligned
  2. The time picker looks a bit overwhelming, and I'm not sure how it would work with 24h format.

Android, for instance, does it this way:

I see that you are using KCalCore::Todo for storing tasks. For the usual calendar KCalCore::Event would be more suitable IMHO. Should we change that or would you rather support both types (TODOs and Events)?

I see that you are using KCalCore::Todo for storing tasks. For the usual calendar KCalCore::Event would be more suitable IMHO. Should we change that or would you rather support both types (TODOs and Events)?

I started with the implementation of VTODO instead of the VEVENT because I wanted to offer to-do functionality. According to my understanding of RFC 5545, you can create VTODO without dtstart, while it is normally required in VEVENT. So, this way we can add a to-do to a specific day while we can also offer a to-do list without setting starting dates (my plan is to offer this functionality in the global drawer). Also, I find the algorithm for setting the (optional) dtend of VEVENT as not optimal for a to-do (something that some apps impose for to-dos which IMO is an overkill). Instead, VTODO's "due" is suitable for to-dos - we could add it to the to-do page and, later, we could implement notifications on top of this.

Nevertheless, I think that we should implement VEVENT as well; it will be useful for several use cases and it will facilitate integration with calendars that implement it.

Great! :)
If you need visual feedback:

  1. Card names and date in the details view are misaligned

Not 100% sure about what you mean by this, but several UI details have been fixed, you may check and come back :)

  1. The time picker looks a bit overwhelming, and I'm not sure how it would work with 24h format. Android, for instance, does it this way: |

Agree, it looks overwhelming.

About the android's approach, I find the hour-picker with the 24 elements as not intuitive (when I have to pick the time on a circle what I expect to see is an analog clock). I think it is more intuitive to pick the time using an analog clock and then say if it is AM or PM instead of a clock with hours-after-12.

A feature of android's clock that we may consider adding is the two distinct clocks; the user could click to the hours'/miniutes' text at the bottom of the page and then only the hours'/minutes' clock would be visible.

Another thing is how many hours/minutes model elements we should display. Currently, hours 12,3,6,9, minutes 0,15,30,45 and the selected elements are displayed. Should we display more, less, other?

Since basic functionality is working I'm moving this to 'Done'

nicolasfella moved this task from PM 1.0 to Done on the Plasma: Mobile board.Oct 19 2019, 10:05 PM
nicolasfella edited projects, added Plasma: Mobile; removed Plasma: Mobile (PM 1.0).
nicolasfella renamed this task from [wip] Calendar application to Calendar application.Oct 19 2019, 10:12 PM

Hi! I was using the app, and I was worried that some things could be little user-intuitive. So I tried to give my phone to various users asking them to do a simple task. Here's the feedback I got. Feel free to ignore it though, but I generally observed a dissatisfaction towards the application:

User 1:
Task: create a new event "test" tomorrow

  • User presses central calendar button (get to current month), is confused as it does nothing
  • Does not notice right sidebar, presses on bottom-left menu and opens left sidebar
  • Presses on "Calendars"
  • Presses on "+ Create", thinking it would create an event
  • Creates a new "test" calendar, is confused as nothing happens
  • I explain the difference between creating a calendar and creating an event
  • Users sais "oh, must be the 'import' button then". I explain that it imports a calendar, not an event. Users expresses confusion regarding two different ways to create a new calendar. I explain the difference between creating and importing.
  • Notices right sidebar
  • Press "Tasks"
  • User notices that they should've pressed "Events" instead
  • Tries to get back but cannot find a back button
  • Tries to press the "December 2019" button but the hit zone is too small and is missed
  • Presses the "Tasks" button which does nothing as it's already active
  • I explain the gesture to get back
  • She correctly presses "Events"
  • Presses new event
  • Tries to change start date, is confused as a message says it's impossible to do that without explaining why
  • Correctly gives name to the event and add it

Overall feedback: user is deeply disappointed with the application

User 2:
Task: create a new event "test" tomorrow

  • User presses tomorrow's date on calendar multiple times, hold it
  • User opens right sidebar
  • Clicks on Events
  • Presses on new event
  • Tries to change the start date, is confused at the message, but then notices the date is correct
  • Gives name to the task and creates it

Overall feedback: users is okay

User 3:
Task: create a new event "test" tomorrow

  • User presses multiple time tomorrow's date on calendar
  • User holds tomorrow's date on calendar
  • User tries to do a zoom gesture on tomorrow's date
  • User open the left sidebar, reads the labels and close it
  • User open the right sidebar, reads the labels, and close it
  • User presses again tomorrow's date on calendar
  • User presses the central ('get to current month') button, is confused as it does nothing
  • User opens the right sidebar, clicks on "events"
  • User opens the left sidebar, does not notice bottom "create an event" button
  • User presses "December 2019" and gets back to the calendar
  • User gives up

Overall feedback: negative

bshah added a comment.Mar 30 2020, 4:46 AM

@dkardarakos Can you take a look at the feedback above, and maybe make a smaller tasks out of it?

@niccolove I will close this task, since it is about new application for Plasma Mobile, now that we have it already, further feedback/improvements should be separate tasks.

bshah closed this task as Resolved.Mar 30 2020, 4:46 AM