Systematic KCM reorganisation: Appearance section
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This task tracks the current discussion and plan for re-organizing the Appearance section.


- Global Theme

- Plasma Style

- Application Style
-- KDE & Qt Applications
-- GNOME & GTK Applications (Would like this merged into the above KCM, at which point it would be renamed appropriately)
-- Window Decorations

- Colors

- Fonts
-- Fonts
-- Font Management

- Icons
-- Icons
-- Emoticons (Would like this merged into Icons or eliminated after full Emoji support is mature)

- Cursors

- Graphical Effects
ngraham edited projects, added VDG, Plasma; removed Plasma: KCM Redesign.Aug 1 2019, 7:38 PM
ngraham added subscribers: VDG, GB_2, filipf.
GB_2 updated the task description. (Show Details)Aug 2 2019, 5:44 AM

Could colors be moved up together with the other 'theme-ish' items in preparation for T11052 (there is already a kcm module that is rough around the edges but works)?

ngraham moved this task from Backlog/Planned to Sent to dev on the VDG board.Aug 2 2019, 6:18 PM
ngraham moved this task from To Do to Work in Progress on the Plasma board.
GB_2 added a comment.Aug 4 2019, 8:28 AM

Could colors be moved up together with the other 'theme-ish' items in preparation for T11052 (there is already a kcm module that is rough around the edges but works)?


GB_2 updated the task description. (Show Details)Aug 4 2019, 8:28 AM

Feel free to submit a patch for that!

ngraham closed this task as Resolved.Aug 9 2019, 2:33 PM
ngraham moved this task from Sent to dev to Done on the VDG board.

Almost done, just the Desktop Effects -> Graphical Effects change left. That's turned out to be a bit controversial. I'm calling this done for now, and if we end up getting D22894, that can be considered a bonus. :)