Find a better alternative for the QML FileDialog with the Plasma team
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Even on desktop the QML FileDialog element is horrible, discuss with the Plasma/Kirigami team how we can achieve something better there, this isn't specific to our app.

vkrause created this task.May 23 2018, 5:33 PM
vkrause triaged this task as Normal priority.

videoPlayer has a quite decent QML file picker

We should talk to them about a reusable solution

Can we possibly implement Kirigami interfaces for some of the things in plasma-integration?

EspiDev moved this task from Todo to Done on the Plasma: Mobile board.Dec 9 2020, 4:07 AM
bshah closed this task as Resolved.Mar 29 2021, 7:42 AM
bshah claimed this task.