Scratchpad doesn't work.
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Just doesn't do anything when you draw on it.

woltherav created this task.Sep 4 2015, 7:04 PM
woltherav updated the task description. (Show Details)
woltherav raised the priority of this task from to Low.
woltherav added a project: Krita.
woltherav moved this task to Krita Frameworks on the Krita board.
woltherav added subscribers: woltherav, rempt, dkazakov.
rempt added a comment.EditedSep 24 2015, 10:29 AM

I thought at first that that was because the default pen color is white -- but that only happened once to me.

For some reason the position tabletEvent->hiResGlobalPos() reports is relative to the top-left corner of the scratchpad widget.

You can tell that this is true by detaching the brush editor, moving it close to the top-left of your screen and then drawing on it with your tablet. The strokes will appear - albeit shifted a bit to the left and upwards.

Someone with more internals knowledge will be able to figure out why the "global" position is actually relative and come up with a better fix than D630.

abrahams added a revision: Restricted Differential Revision.Dec 5 2015, 4:18 AM
rempt added a comment.Dec 5 2015, 8:58 AM

Er, a restricted differential revision? That's new to me!