[Style KCM] Change name to KDE/Qt Application Style

Authored by ndavis on Nov 17 2019, 2:11 AM.


Group Reviewers

This was done for the following reasons:

  • Match the GNOME/GTK Application Style KCM
  • Give it a more accurate name
  • Prevent it from being confused with the Application Style


Diff Detail

R119 Plasma Desktop
No Linters Available
No Unit Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 18868
Build 18886: arc lint + arc unit
ndavis created this revision.Nov 17 2019, 2:11 AM
Restricted Application added a project: Plasma. · View Herald TranscriptNov 17 2019, 2:11 AM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: plasma-devel. · View Herald Transcript
ndavis requested review of this revision.Nov 17 2019, 2:11 AM
ndavis edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Nov 17 2019, 2:12 AM
ngraham added inline comments.
22 ↗(On Diff #69866)

Don't change translations (even English ones)

8 ↗(On Diff #69866)


ndavis updated this revision to Diff 69867.Nov 17 2019, 2:46 AM
  • Remove translation changes
ndavis marked 2 inline comments as done.Nov 17 2019, 2:46 AM
ngraham accepted this revision.Nov 17 2019, 3:07 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 17 2019, 3:07 AM
GB_2 added a subscriber: GB_2.EditedNov 17 2019, 8:11 AM

I thought we wanted to merge the GTK Application Style with this KCM, and have the GTK theme comboxes accessible with a button in the KCM (like for the toolbar style)? I wouldn't rename the KCM until we are sure that we don't want to merge the two KCMs. Especially since the GTK KCM will soon only have two comboboxes and a checkbox, and a separate KCM would be a bit too much.

ndavis added a subscriber: cblack.Nov 17 2019, 9:20 AM
In D25351#563601, @GB_2 wrote:

I thought we wanted to merge the GTK Application Style with this KCM, and have the GTK theme comboxes accessible with a button in the KCM (like for the toolbar style)? I wouldn't rename the KCM until we are sure that we don't want to merge the two KCMs. Especially since the GTK KCM will soon only have two comboboxes and a checkbox, and a separate KCM would be a bit too much.

I don't remember. I think @cblack may have been working on creating a grid view for selecting GTK themes, which would be nicer than comboboxes.

davidre added a subscriber: davidre.EditedNov 17 2019, 9:45 AM

Why KDE/Qt Application style? Every Qt Application will have that style and not only KDE Applications. I also fear that somehow this will strengthen the false idea of some users that Applications and Plasma are intertwined. ("Because there is a settings category for 'KDE Applications' inside system settings")

Do we really want the user having to be aware there's something like different toolkits? Not a fan of this change.

Why KDE/Qt Application style? Every Qt Application will have that style and not only KDE Applications. I also fear that somehow this will strengthen the false idea of some users that Applications and Plasma are intertwined. ("Because there is a settings category for 'KDE Applications' inside system settings")

Fair point, I was just making it match the naming scheme of the GNOME/GTK Application Style KCM. Would you prefer if it was just Qt and just GTK?

Do we really want the user having to be aware there's something like different toolkits? Not a fan of this change.

I understand where you're coming from, but they will be if they try to use custom themes (the point of this KCM), no matter what. We can't force GTK to use Qt themes and we can't guarantee that there will always be a GTK theme that matches the selected Qt theme or vice versa.

Do we really want the user having to be aware there's something like different toolkits? Not a fan of this change.

We are already surfacing this distinction by having a KCM called "GNOME/GTK Application style," begging the question of what the more general "Application Style" KCM controls, since its title is not as specific. This patch remedies that issue.

I agree that we should avoid exposing these kinds of technical details as much as possible. I think the only way to satisfactorily do that is to remove the GTK KCM entirely, and then the remaining KCM can keep its current name ("Application Style"). I'm in favor of that, but we're not there yet.

GB_2 added a comment.Nov 17 2019, 2:53 PM

I think the only way to satisfactorily do that is to remove the GTK KCM entirely, and then the remaining KCM can keep its current name ("Application Style"). I'm in favor of that, but we're not there yet.

Yes, but then we shouldn't change the name now only to revert it later when that is ready.

In D25351#563678, @GB_2 wrote:

I think the only way to satisfactorily do that is to remove the GTK KCM entirely, and then the remaining KCM can keep its current name ("Application Style"). I'm in favor of that, but we're not there yet.

Yes, but then we shouldn't change the name now only to revert it later when that is ready.

All right, we can hold off on this, and abandon it once that gets done, or revive it if it doesn't.

ndavis abandoned this revision.May 20 2020, 10:46 PM