KDE Connect Accessibility
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Pitched in https://mail.gnome.org/archives/orca-list/2018-October/msg00112.html

Probably noone in the KDE Connect team has particular experience with accessability, so any input is very welcome


awsome that you think about accessibility.

I see two different issues reported in thes mail:

But it's kind of tricky you have to use a lot of flat review left and right clicks to get to where you want, and hope you land in the right spot. This would be a totally awesome application to get working with Orca if it were possible. Because I think I would use it a lot being as I both own an Android and use Linux primarily.

in first place this means make it keyboard navigateable in a good way. Try use all the functionality without using the mouse. make the workflow and focus chain with the keyboard as smooth as possible with intuitive navigation.

There are very few items that speak,

this is mostly caused by missing accessibility labels. by default the title of an widget is also its accessibility name. for widgets without label (maybe picture onhly) you need to set the accessibility description by code. you can imagine this like an alternative text what could be spoken to blind users insteed of seeing the image.

FYI, the users refers to this:

But it's kind of tricky you have to use a lot of flat review left and right clicks to get to where you want, and hope you land in the right spot.

the flat review (or review mode, virtual cursor) is an special cursor provided by orca to be able to navigate objects what can not be focusable. the user can navigate the screen line by line, word by word or char by char and can emulate clicks to the position of that current cursor (what the users tries hiere).

cheers chrys

Is this task about the desktop part or the android app?

Is this task about the desktop part or the android app?


Is this task about the desktop part or the android app?


for the desktop part, most importaint part is an good keyboard handling.
try to use the program with keyboard only (Tab, arrow, space and return) to perfrom the different tasks. So dont touch the mouse.
assume you are new the the tool and dont know about shortcuts.
then you will get a feel where the keyboard navigation stucks.

I played around with the new kdeconnect-app interface only by using the keyboard and the result is mixed.

Here are the things I noticed:

  • Navigating the sidebar is not possible at all. The keyboard "focus" does not even seem to get in there
  • Navigating the devices list in the "Pair" page works somewhat well
  • Traversing the page stack with Alt+Arrow works
  • Navigating the list of Actions/Plugins in the devices page does not work at all. The focus does not seem to get there
  • Invoking toolbar actions by their Mnemonic works
  • Navigating media controls works
  • In Remote Control once you are in the TextField you can't get out
  • Navigating inside Run Command seems impossible
othman renamed this task from KDE Connect Accessibility to إمكانية الوصول إلى KDE Connect.Jan 9 2024, 8:16 AM
othman claimed this task.
lydia renamed this task from إمكانية الوصول إلى KDE Connect to KDE Connect Accessibility.Jan 9 2024, 8:52 AM