Port khipu away from KDElibs4Support
Open, Needs TriagePublic

Did khipu actually ever get released?


aacid added a comment.Dec 30 2019, 7:12 PM

Is there a plan to release it?

I mean is it worth it to port it away from kdelibs4support or should we leave it linger?

@karinapassos did a gsoc on it last year, I'm not sure if she plans to work on it further. Her final work deviated quite a bit from what's on the repo.

Either way, it's not a priority.

Well I plan to work on Khipu soon, I'm just stuck with personal issues atm,
when I come back my priority is to work to fix the bug on the edit plot

alex removed a project: KF6.Jul 26 2021, 12:35 PM