Multiple Dataset Design Document
-Keep it simple -Follow the main design principles of GCompris (see "Core values" in ) -Integrate nicely with current interface design and features (we have the star difficulty system and in-Activity levels, it should take in account those and not replace them)
*An Activity can have its content split into several dataset if needed.
*The selection of dataset for common users should be accessible from the Activity settings
(it is part of its configuration, so it belongs there. We don't want to spread activity settings in different places)
*For teachers, we should provide in the future Admin interface a way to launch an Activity with a selection of dataset (one or several selected).
*Each dataset can have a corresponding "star difficulty level", if they are actually corresponding to different difficulty levels.
If this is the case:
-Display on the Activity icon the star level of the highest dataset level activated -When selecting a star level range on the main global settings, activate only the corresponding dataset on Activities (and grey the others on the Activity settings, with a message to indicate the global setting range).
*For common users, the global star difficulty level system is a flexible way to enable/disable Activity/Content dataset depending on their skills.
*For teachers, the stars can be a relative indication but it should still be part of their work to decide which Activity/Content dataset to use for their students.
We should not pre-define this as curriculum is very different depending on countries.
*Considering we target children from 2 to 10, basically we have 6 levels for a range of 9 years.
We can on average make that kind of table:
1 star : 2 to 3,5 years old 2stars : 3,5 to 5 years old 3stars : 5 to 6,5 years old 4stars : 6,5 to 8 years old 5stars : 8 to 9,5 years old 6stars : 9,5 to 11 years old
This table can be convenient to evaluate the star level to use for each Activity/Dataset,
but remember that it's still very arbitrary as children skills can vary a lot (depending on environment, time spent studying and other things...)