Slightly reduce vertical gutter width.

Authored by Zren on Dec 5 2017, 1:08 PM.



Removed 1 smallSpacing from the top and bottom padding of each cell.

Allows more rows to fit on screen. Results in less goofy-looking
vertical gutters with the default of two text rows (as most labels
only have one, it's a lot of dead space on screen in the common

Based on user feedback.

Diff Detail

R119 Plasma Desktop
Lint Skipped
Unit Tests Skipped
hein created this revision.Dec 5 2017, 1:08 PM
Restricted Application added a project: Plasma. · View Herald TranscriptDec 5 2017, 1:08 PM
hein requested review of this revision.Dec 5 2017, 1:08 PM
Zren added a subscriber: Zren.EditedDec 5 2017, 7:02 PM

Before patch:

  • GridView.cellHeight was icon.height + text.height + 6 * smallSpacing
  • Loader {id: frameLoader } was icon.height + text.height + 5 * smallSpacing. It also has a y offset giving it a 1 * smallSpacing top margin.

After patch:

  • GridView.cellHeight is now icon.height + text.height + 3 * smallSpacing
  • Loader {id: frameLoader } is now icon.height + text.height + 4 * smallSpacing, which will overlap the icon below it by 1 * smallSpacing no? Even though it still has the 1 * smallSpacing top margin, I'm seeing some overlap.

It's more noticeable if you do var extraHeight = 0;

  • yellow = GridView.delegate outline
  • cyan = Loader { id: frameLoader } outline

Outline with:

Rectangle { border.color: "#0ff"; anchors.fill: parent; border.width: 1; color: "transparent"; }

Before the patch, we had:

  • 6 * smallSpacing + extraHeight cellHeight
    • 1 * smallSpacing top margin (frameLoader.y)
    • 2 * smallSpacing top padding above the icon (icon.anchors.topMargin)
    • 1 * smallSpacing spacing between icon and label (label.anchors.topMargin)
    • 2 * smallSpacing bottom padding (the remaining height of the frameLoader for the bottom padding inside the frame.
    • extraHeight bottom margin which gives each cell a bit of extra height so that we don't have a bunch of empty space at the bottom.
hein updated this revision to Diff 23791.Dec 12 2017, 8:04 AM

Fix overlap. Thanks for the analysis.

abetts added a subscriber: abetts.Dec 12 2017, 3:09 PM

Does the grid and spacing cover only the areas in yellow, or does it cover the entire screen?

hein added a comment.Dec 13 2017, 9:29 AM

Does the grid and spacing cover only the areas in yellow, or does it cover the entire screen?

This is about the vertical spacing between desktop icons basically - it covers the entire screen in the sense that desktop icons can be anywhere on screen.

Zren added a comment.Jan 2 2018, 11:07 PM

So you removed 2 units from the overall cell height, but only 1 unit from the frameloader height. This means you removed 1 unit from the "leftover" padding at the bottom of the frameloader, and are overlapping the cell below by another 1 unit.

Before (cellHeight=6 units, top margin=1 unit, frameloader=5 units)

After (cellHeight=4 units, top margin=1 unit, frameloader=4 units)

It's much more obvious when we zoom in.

How to fix:

Option A) Remove just 1 unit of padding from the bottom of the frameloader.

Add 1 unit to the cellHeight. (cellHeight=5 units, top margin=1 unit, frameloader=4 units)

This makes it look weird, since there's 2 units of top padding, and only 1 unit of bottom padding.

Option B) Remove 1 unit from the top padding, and 1 unit from the bottom padding of the frameloader.

Remove 1 more unit from icon.anchors.topMargin


PlasmaCore.IconItem {
    id: icon

    anchors {
        topMargin: (2 * units.smallSpacing)
        leftMargin: units.smallSpacing


PlasmaCore.IconItem {
    id: icon

    anchors {
        topMargin: units.smallSpacing
        leftMargin: units.smallSpacing

and change the frameLoader.height calculation

Loader {
    id: frameLoader

    height: {
        if (root.useListViewMode) {
            return parent.height;

        // Note: frameLoader.y = units.smallSpacing (acts as top margin)
        return (units.smallSpacing // icon.anchors.topMargin (acts as top padding)
            + icon.height
            + units.smallSpacing // label.anchors.topMargin (acts as spacing between icon and label)
            + (label.lineCount * theme.mSize(theme.defaultFont).height)
            + units.smallSpacing); // leftover (acts as bottom padding)

Zren added a comment.Jan 3 2018, 4:54 PM

I don't think I can attach a new diff to your differential, so here's a link to it:

Here's an example without the outlines. 1080p with 32px panel on bottom and IconSize=3 (1 smaller than default).

Here's an example with the default IconSize=4

ngraham added a subscriber: ngraham.Jan 3 2018, 5:03 PM
hein added a comment.Jan 4 2018, 10:00 PM

I think you have to use "Commandeer revision" and then you can upload a different diff here. Or maybe I should abandon and you refile?

Zren commandeered this revision.Jan 4 2018, 11:17 PM
Zren added a reviewer: hein.

Oh I see, "Commandeer revision" is in the "Add action..." dropdown, not the sidebar.

Zren updated this revision to Diff 24677.Jan 4 2018, 11:23 PM
Zren edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
hein accepted this revision.Jan 5 2018, 5:10 PM

Thanks Chris!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 5 2018, 5:10 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.