[kconfig_compiler] Improve documentation about Inherits

Authored by graesslin on Dec 10 2016, 6:29 PM.



Better specify the requirements the parent class needs to have.
KConfigCompiler generates different variants of ctors taking either:

  • a QStringLiteral argument (name set in <kcfgfile>
  • a KSharedConfig::Ptr argument (arg="true" in <kcfgfile>)
  • no argument (Inherits=true in kcfgc and no <kcfgfile>)

In order to have Inherits generate compiling code in all cases the
parent class needs to provide accessible ctors.

This change updates the docuementation to reflect this.

Diff Detail

R237 KConfig
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No Unit Test Coverage
graesslin updated this revision to Diff 8912.Dec 10 2016, 6:29 PM
graesslin retitled this revision from to [kconfig_compiler] Improve documentation about Inherits.
graesslin updated this object.
graesslin edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
graesslin added reviewers: Frameworks, dfaure.
nalvarez added inline comments.

an ctor -> a ctor.

Also, would it make sense to explain here what those arguments are, or is that explained later?

dfaure added inline comments.

Also, "empty ctor" sounds like the body should be empty. I think you meant "a default constructor".

(BTW I would spell out "constructor" instead of using an abbreviation)

Nicolas: indeed it's not clear what the QString is, in this sentence, so rather than duplicating the API documentation for KConfigSkeleton, I suppose this could say:

"and must provide a default constructor, a constructor taking a QString argument (see the one in KConfigSkeleton), and a constructor taking a KSharedConfig::Ptr as argument (see the one in KConfigSkeleton)."

graesslin updated this revision to Diff 9018.Dec 14 2016, 7:00 PM
  • fix typos
  • default instead of empty
  • add information about what the ctor is for
  • refer to KConfigSkeleton documentation
graesslin updated this revision to Diff 9046.Dec 15 2016, 6:02 PM

Constructor instead of ctor

dfaure added inline comments.Dec 15 2016, 6:10 PM
112 ↗(On Diff #9046)

Missing a '(' somewhere, most likely before kcfgfile.

graesslin updated this revision to Diff 9049.Dec 15 2016, 6:17 PM

Add missing "("

dfaure accepted this revision.Dec 15 2016, 6:18 PM
dfaure edited edge metadata.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 15 2016, 6:18 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.