Update Taiwanese holidays

Authored by nhiga on Apr 27 2020, 10:17 AM.



This patch improves upon @shrapnel 's work on the accuracy of the Taiwanese holidays file:

  • Some holidays are determined based on the Lunar Calendar, and their specific dates have to be manually specified for each year
  • Official holiday names are now used
  • Try to put a holiday in the correct categories

The following has been excluded:

  • Holidays (Festivals) for indigenous peoples (原住民族歲時祭儀)
  • Non-official holidays such as Halloween and Christmas

Diff Detail

R175 KHolidays
Lint Skipped
Unit Tests Skipped
nhiga requested review of this revision.Apr 27 2020, 10:17 AM
nhiga created this revision.


  1. Holidays for indigenous peoples have not been included. Some of them seem to have a fixed date, but for other festivals we know the range but not the exact dates. For example, it is known that 豐年祭(收穫祭) is celebrated between July 1 and September 30 (source), but the actual date (which is also a day off for the respective ethnic group) is picked by the Amis people. This calendar does not give us any hint on the exact date of 豐年祭.
  2. 勞動節 (Labor Day) is a day off for many people, but at the same time civil servants, teachers, etc. do not have a day off, so I did not mark it as "public". Similarly, "軍人節" is a day off for military members only, and others do not have a day off.
  3. Some holidays such as Children's Day are referred to as festivals (節日) and not as commemorative days (紀念日), but for simplicity, I am marking them as "commemorative".

I suppose you rename the file for a good reason. Are there different "official" languages for Taiwan?

nhiga added a comment.Apr 27 2020, 1:20 PM
In D29223#658229, @cgiboudeaux wrote:

I suppose you rename the file for a good reason. Are there different "official" languages for Taiwan?

The new file name follows the same naming scheme used by the PRC (mainland China) holiday file, holiday_cn_zh-cn (holiday_region_Language-Region). It is also less ambiguous because zh alone does not indicate the character set being used (i.e. Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese).

Actually the holiday file for Hong Kong, holiday_hk_zh-cn, should be renamed to holiday_hk_zh-hk because zh-cn means Simplified Chinese, but Hong Kong uses Traditional Chinese, but this will be another story.

krop added a comment.May 3 2020, 9:12 AM

@nhiga Please have a look at D29372.

nhiga added a comment.May 3 2020, 12:20 PM

Thanks for the heads-up.

weisi added a subscriber: weisi.May 3 2020, 7:05 PM
weisi added a comment.May 3 2020, 7:57 PM

I prefer this diff to the changes I took in D29373. I wish I had seen this diff earlier.

Would you also indicate the plan for the festivals specified as "2020" in this diff for future years? For example, could you add the 2021 dates to this diff and show the suggested layout of the code? I plan to replicate this in the cn_zh-cn file once we agree on how to best handle those.

I like the idea of referring to the law as the source, instead of potential unreliable third-party websites. But I wonder if this criteria might be too restrictive here:

  • On the Spring festival 春節 of 2020, the publicholidays.tw page and the official source listed on that page both showed Jan 23 to 29 as the days off. Or maybe you just meant to use length 3 days (instead of length 5 days) which is what the law says? For the future years I only put in the day of the Spring festival in D29373 but maybe I should have marked length 3 days.
  • 紀念日及節日實施辦法 as a law, may not be able to include many interesting dates - you don't really expect a law to change too frequently. So I think some festivals can still be put in this file - they are still "day[s] that may have special significance to a fairly large number of people" (quote from the /DESIGN file) after all. For example, in my opinion, Freedom of Expression Day 言論自由日 and Double Ninth Day 重陽節 (and maybe more) deserve to be put in this list.

One more space here.


Uppercase F.


Do you intend to use 3 days here?

According to 紀念日及節日實施辦法:

下列民俗節日,除春節放假三日外,其餘均放假一日... (3 days off for the Spring festival, 1 day off otherwise, for the following...)


I think this one is more religious than commemorative.

nhiga added a comment.May 4 2020, 1:50 AM

On the Spring festival 春節 of 2020, the publicholidays.tw page and the official source listed on that page both showed Jan 23 to 29 as the days off.

I think both of us can be correct:

  • I referred to this document by Ministry of the Interior, R. O. C. (Taiwan) for 2020. I believe that document is showing the "minimum requirements by law", which means all employees should be able to haves days off on the listed holidays.
  • For government offices, I believe that the regulations "政府機關調整上班日期處理要點" will be applied and civil servants have extra days off in some conditions. For example it says " 四、上班日為星期一或星期五,其後一日或前一日逢星期二或星期四之紀念日及節日之放假,調整該上班日為放假日。農曆除夕前一日為上班日者,調整該上班日為放假日。 ", so I think this is why Jan 23 is also a day off for them.

Would you also indicate the plan for the festivals specified as "2020" in this diff for future years?

I plan to follow the format in the holiday_hk_* files, so it will be something like:

:: 應放假之紀念日及節日(以農曆為基礎)

: Chinese New Year's Eve
"農曆除夕"                          public cultural on 24 January 2020
: Spring festival
"春節"                              public cultural on 25 January 2020 length 5 days
: Tomb Sweeping Day
"民族掃墓節"                        public cultural on 4 April 2020
: Dragon Boat Festival
"端午節"                            public cultural on 25 June 2020
: Mid-Autumn Festival       
"中秋節"                            public cultural on 1 October 2020

"農曆除夕"                          public cultural on DD MM 2021
"春節"                              public cultural on DD MM 2021 length Y days
"民族掃墓節"                        public cultural on DD MM 2021
"端午節"                            public cultural on DD MM 2021
"中秋節"                            public cultural on DD MM 2021

:: Substitute holidays
:: 補假

"兒童節補假"                        public on 3 April 2020
"民族掃墓節補假"                    public on 2 April 2020

"XX補假"                            public on DD MM 2021
"XX補假"                            public on DD MM 2021

I intentionally included substitute holidays (Jan 28-29 2020) when writing the length, since holiday_hk_*also include substitute holidays in the length for Spring Festival.


True. Maybe mark it as "religious commemorative"?

weisi added a comment.May 4 2020, 2:05 AM

Thanks! Looks good :)

nhiga updated this revision to Diff 81833.May 4 2020, 3:17 AM
nhiga marked 6 inline comments as done.
nhiga added a comment.May 4 2020, 3:24 AM

Some historical arrangements of some holidays (e.g. Children's Day between 1998-2010) are currently ignored, but I believe this is less important.

krop added a comment.May 6 2020, 10:53 AM

If everything is sorted and both of you agree, please accept one of the reviews and we'll happily push it if necessary.

nhiga updated this revision to Diff 82085.May 6 2020, 12:11 PM

Added 植樹節.

nhiga added a comment.May 6 2020, 12:27 PM

Officially-recognized days (including 言論自由日) and the dates for 2020 can be found in this document. Names without ※ means it is officially-recognized but is not stated in the law.

There are many (>60) commemorative days (days without ※) so I do not plan to include them in the file (for the time being).

all opposed to this patch please speak up soon

nhiga set the repository for this revision to R175 KHolidays.May 12 2020, 3:17 AM
This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.May 13 2020, 10:14 PM
Closed by commit R175:b1291acbfc09: Update Taiwanese holidays (authored by nhiga, committed by winterz). · Explain Why
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