Add live conversions between numerical bases

Authored by umanovskis on Sep 25 2019, 9:10 AM.



In the numerical systems or "programmer" mode, a click is required to see the current number in another base. Having the conversions visible immediately as input changes is more convenient.

Diff Detail

R353 KCalc
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umanovskis created this revision.Sep 25 2019, 9:10 AM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: kde-utils-devel. · View Herald TranscriptSep 25 2019, 9:10 AM
umanovskis requested review of this revision.Sep 25 2019, 9:10 AM

First I'm looking for UI feedback. My current attempt looks like this:

I'm far from a usability expert or being a GUI programmer. This layout seems quite natural to me, but another option would be to place the conversion radios and labels at the far left (that is, left of the button pad), which I briefly tried but didn't like it. Somehow doesn't feel right not to have a keypad start at the edge.

Also I used KSqueezedTextLabel for the conversions - is that an appropriate choice?

(Side note: KCalc code seems a bit old, and does stuff inconsistent with Qt guidelines, such as having tabs for indents but with some spaces mixed in - I've intentionally formatted my code keeping the surrounding style)

Ping on this one - any thoughts?

dakon requested changes to this revision.Oct 3 2019, 12:50 PM
dakon added a subscriber: dakon.

I personally like it and it would often be helpful for my personal use, so I guess if noone complains just go for it.


converted is not needed, just put the QStringLiteral in the next line where it is used.


and this becomes bad if this stays a QList, because it detaches (i.e. copies) the container for the iteration, it needs at least qAsConst(). No problem if it is a std::array as those do not detach, but the Qt types need this.


same here


even if the code above also uses it, QList is the most awful container one can use. Either use QVector or just use std::array, this has a fixed size and needs no dynamic resizing. A followup patch to convert the QLists above would be welcome ;)

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Oct 3 2019, 12:50 PM
umanovskis updated this revision to Diff 67257.Oct 3 2019, 1:27 PM
umanovskis marked 3 inline comments as done.

Changed per suggestions, and changed UI slightly to prevent overflow

I'm glad it's not just me who has this as a major use case for calculator applications.

@dakon would you agree with this revision? Doesn't seem like anyone else has feedback.

dakon added inline comments.Oct 7 2019, 7:46 AM

Looks like you did tab indentation here, but everything else is using spaces. Could also be a problem with the web view, please double check.


Looking again on this, can't you simply use QString::number() here?

umanovskis updated this revision to Diff 67405.Oct 7 2019, 7:58 AM
umanovskis marked 2 inline comments as done.

minor fixes per above

umanovskis added inline comments.Oct 7 2019, 7:59 AM

Heh, on the contrary, this one is with spaces while the rest of kcalc is in tabs with the old style. Fixing...

dakon requested changes to this revision.Oct 7 2019, 9:34 AM
dakon added inline comments.

You convert the KNumber to a string in line 1879, and then convert it back to an uint64 here to be able to convert it back to a string. This does not make any sense. Put it in an quint64 and use that in all following steps.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Oct 7 2019, 9:34 AM
umanovskis updated this revision to Diff 67410.Oct 7 2019, 9:54 AM

remove over-complicated conversions

So much for touching unfamiliar QT types while not properly concentrating, ended up with some absurd code :)

dakon accepted this revision.Oct 7 2019, 11:39 AM

Looks good to me so far. The size in the ui file is now much bitter than before, please check if that is really needed. Otherwise feel free to push.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 7 2019, 11:39 AM

The change in the ui file is pretty big because I removed the base controls from their previous layout and put them in a new one, which caused Qt Designer to output quite many changes as the number of layouts has changed. Seems to me like it's needed.

I have no push permissions, so I'll need someone's help to land this.

Ping - if this is satisfactory, I need someone's help to land.

dakon added a comment.Oct 14 2019, 4:02 PM

please do a git commit and then "git format-patch -1" and send me the resulting file via mail, then I'll apply this.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.