As a preparation for more test data, move all tags that
have a direct implementation by taglib itself to a common
test function. New tag formats can then be tested for the
most common tags, which is needed for a following
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- Repository
- R286 KFileMetaData
- Lint
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Automatic diff as part of commit; unit tests not applicable.
There are some more common tags with identical values, i.e. AlbumArtist, Composer and Lyrics - any reason you kept these?
These are the tags directly supported by taglib (e.g. tag->artist() ) which don't require manual reading of tags. These are only the supported tags for the mime types tested in D15833
Sorry, I don't get it yet ...
Is there anything preventing this to work:
SimpleExtractionResult result(testFilePath(fileName), mimeType); plugin.extract(&result); QCOMPARE(, QVariant(QStringLiteral("Album Artist")));
As far as I can see, this is identical code for all tests, and supported by all formats.
Or are these not supported by some of the four new formats added in D15833?
Sorry, I should have written this more clearly, but you got it right. It's for the new formats. For the most common tags, taglib directly provides the implementation for all its supported tag formats and one can call e.g. tag->artist(). For the others, one has to implement support manually, e.g. query the tag type and then do tag->find("Album Artist") and then read it.
So for any new formats we get the ones ones which are implemented by taglib for free. The others have to be manually added and thus are not implemented for the new formats.
I will update the summary a little bit.
Thanks for the explanation. Looks good then, just update the summary.
You could add another column to the tests, "hasFullImplementation", and do an Q_EXPECT_FAIL if not set. But thats for another patch ...