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Apr 15 2019

richardl added a comment to D19311: Add navigation history to forward/back buttons.

As I see it, showing both forward and backward entries at the same time is a smart idea if your interface requires having a single button for this feature. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense because one would never click on the backward navigation button to pick a forward entry. Having to see the forward entries first to decide which backward entry to pick is not a common case either (and vicecersa). Thus, in most cases you'd just have to deal with the drawback of limiting the amount of forward-only or backward-only entries that can be shown, which in addition is counter-productive if you want to roll back a lot of entries.

I can't follow the remark about the single button, since there are clearly two buttons in firefox? Anyways, the rationale in firefox is IMHO that the user wants to jump to one point in the history, but if that's in the forward or backward history might not be known (in advance). (For a single (or double) forward/back one wouldn't invoke the menu anyways.) If you take this uncertainty into account the unified menu makes much more sense.

Apr 15 2019, 2:54 PM · Dolphin

Apr 14 2019

richardl added a comment to D19311: Add navigation history to forward/back buttons.

This change is still WIP and is meant as a discussion point. I would like to get some feedback on this in general but most specifically around what to show in the navigation drop down? Currently I just put the full URL there but that is not very user friendly.

Apr 14 2019, 12:42 PM · Dolphin