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Apr 10 2018

draganlegic added a comment to T8460: Allow running Dolphin as root in Bionic.

I was engaging my daughter to translate your writing correctly. Thank you for the correct and objective explanation. I did not work with Unix or linux OS, but I'm working on PDP11, Vax, Fujitsu, Bull-8000, Bull-9000, but I can figure out the problem. When I started to use linux, I felt that the user was always responsible for anything that was not good or Microsoft or hardware makers and drivers. If the linix is made for ordinary people, then developers should respect users rather than requiring the user to blush and whisper everything that is programmed and maybe not good. I know that if a doctor has to get people to finish the medical faculty, the lawyer must complete the law faculty, I had to finish the cybernetics to program and run a computer center. Now we come to the situation of Microsoft's behavior, accept what you are getting or leave and go to another distribution.
Thank you for writing and I welcome you

Apr 10 2018, 8:55 PM · Kubuntu

Apr 8 2018

draganlegic added a comment to T8460: Allow running Dolphin as root in Bionic.

I apologize if you misinterpreted my poor English proficiency as an insult. I have about 70 years and I've been working on computers all my life, I started with punch cards and ended up on color terminals .I use Linux from the hobby, and I do not care if it's Linux or Windows. The fact that I have access to the source code and the Linux does not mean anything to me, my world and knowledge are related to the Fortran, Cobol, asembler, JCL, SQL etc....I do not offend anyone and thank you for the free programs, you have your own way, I have my own way and my choice whether I will either not use a particular operating system or I simply turn off my machine. Please do not take this as an offense, but I'm asking myself how did you just realize that Dolphin is dangerous to root and GUI mode and why other distributions do not have these restrictions for their file managers.

Apr 8 2018, 6:47 PM · Kubuntu
draganlegic added a comment to T8460: Allow running Dolphin as root in Bionic.

I support the action to get Dolphin back to normal. To stop Dolfin from working as a root is a very destructive move for the head of the KDE population. All other file managers work in root mode only Dolfin is stopped. It's like someone wants to totally destroy KDE. the biggest nonsense is the Kali distribution based on Debian, Dolphin does not work, kate does not work, kwrite does not work. I'm used to Dolphin and now I have to use some beta versions of programs that imitate the total commander from windows.Years of work in Dolphin and now suddenly I need to change my habits or change distribution and go to gnome or XFCE. I understand people who are opposed and who are typing commands, but I'm typing a lot of commands because I've been doing it for years on mainframe computers that do not work on the linux. Dolphin was the best file manager until it was abolished by the abolition of root options.

Apr 8 2018, 2:38 PM · Kubuntu