Fix crash with blocking Open dialog

Authored by elvisangelaccio on Jun 7 2016, 10:21 AM.



QDialog::exec() is bad and should not be used unless strictly necessary. The exec() call is blocking and anything can happen before it returns to the caller. The old workaround (which Ark uses) is to use a QPointer to guard the dialog. Yet I can reproduce a crash by calling QCoreApplication::quit() via dbus while the dialog is open.

The proper fix is to call the dialog in a non-blocking way. Nowadays this is trivial thanks to C++11 lambdas.

(Patch meant for Applications/16.04)

Test Plan

Steps to reproduce the crash (without the patch):

  • Run ark and open the "Open Archive" dialog (CTRL+O)
  • Run qdbusviewer
  • Type ark in the search bar
  • Call the MainApplication/org.qtproject.Qt.QCoreApplication/quit method (right-click on it)

Diff Detail

R36 Ark
Lint Skipped
Unit Tests Skipped
elvisangelaccio retitled this revision from to Fix crash with blocking Open dialog.
elvisangelaccio updated this object.
elvisangelaccio edited the test plan for this revision. (Show Details)
elvisangelaccio added a reviewer: rthomsen.
elvisangelaccio set the repository for this revision to R36 Ark.
elvisangelaccio added a project: Ark.
elvisangelaccio updated this object.
elvisangelaccio added a subscriber: kde-utils-devel.

Call deleteLater() also when the dialog is rejected.

rthomsen accepted this revision.Jun 9 2016, 8:24 AM
rthomsen edited edge metadata.

Tested and solves the crash :)

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 9 2016, 8:24 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.