Main context can be #poped
Closed, ResolvedPublic


From D15773: It seems there is a behavior difference when using #pop!some_context on the main context ("_profile"). For example, formerly, when doing #pop!some_context on the main context, "some_context" was stacked on top of the main context, it did not replace it. Now, in KF5.50.0, the main context is removed from de "stack" and replaced by "some_context". In the AppArmor XML file I use #pop#pop!some_context in general to finish a rule and, in some cases, #pop!some_context is done in the main context, which produces the error in large files, since it is not a behavior that I envisioned.

In KTextEditor, it was not possible to #pop the main context (is that correct @cullmann ?).
In KSyntaxHighlighting, with #pop!someContext you now can define a new main context.

Task: Evaluate whether this is an issue, and if we need to change this.

dhaumann created this task.Sep 29 2018, 7:58 AM
dhaumann triaged this task as High priority.

I think "poping" the main context is evil ;=)

cullmann closed this task as Resolved.Aug 15 2019, 6:29 PM
cullmann claimed this task.

Think this is closed then.