Change Wrong Password Message on Lock Screen
Closed, InvalidPublic


The current message on the lock screen for the wrong password says:

"Unlocking failed"

A more common and useful phrase can be:

"Wrong password"

The current phrase has a threatening connotation.

abetts created this task.May 19 2018, 9:25 PM
abetts triaged this task as Normal priority.
rkflx added a subscriber: rkflx.May 20 2018, 6:17 AM

But what if the PAM stack is configured to use alternative means of authentication, e.g. a fingerprint reader? Is it technically possible to show a different message then?

In T8750#142899, @rkflx wrote:

But what if the PAM stack is configured to use alternative means of authentication, e.g. a fingerprint reader? Is it technically possible to show a different message then?

Yes, for sure. For fingerprints, maybe something like:

Unable to read fingerprint. Try again

Would anyone be willing to take this on?

ngraham closed this task as Invalid.May 14 2021, 9:31 PM
ngraham added a subscriber: ngraham.

I think this hasn't been actioned because it's kind of inappropriate as a phab task. It's more of a simple wishlist request that doesn't require a lot of extensive discussion. Can you re-open this as a bug report against plasmashell | Theme (Breeze)? Thanks!