Make Color Picker in System Settings Color Module Pick Colors from Any Area on Screen
Closed, InvalidPublic


The current color picker that comes up when editing a color scheme is only able to pick colors from within its own window and not any other area in the desktop.

abetts created this task.May 16 2018, 4:34 AM
abetts triaged this task as Wishlist priority.

Either I'm not understanding your request properly, or the color picker does work as you're requesting. See the following YouTube link - video is too large to upload directly to Phab.

ngraham closed this task as Invalid.May 27 2018, 2:16 AM

Yep, works for me too. Looks this is already as desired. :)

Either I'm not understanding your request properly, or the color picker does work as you're requesting. See the following YouTube link - video is too large to upload directly to Phab.

I could be doing something wrong and I ran into a bug in my system, but I am unable to select anywhere outside the color picker window. I will update and report what happens.