Brush Outline improvements.
Open, WishlistPublic


This mini project regards the canvas brush outline. There's several items already possible with these, such as tilt recognition, drawing angle, ortation, pressure to size, etc. However, this can be improved:

  1. The ability to show a seperate radius or brush outline to represent the maximum area affected. (Related bugreport;
  2. The ability to see certain brush modes through changes in the outline. This is for example depicting the outline different when the eraser mode or alpha lock is on, or an indicator for whether the stablizer is on.
  3. The ability to have the tilt indicator on all other outlines instead of a seperate outline.
  4. A tilt cursor that shows the current color instead of pure green.

These are only several ideas, each of which is useful. Implementing these can help with examining the area around the brush tips and painting operations and thus useful for those who want to improve this area.

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woltherav triaged this task as Wishlist priority.

Hi @woltherav I would like to contribute in this task. Please reply!

@shubhamx, I've already given you instructions, if you continue like this I will consider you a spammer.