File rename of KReport source to CamelCase with KReport prefix
Closed, ResolvedPublic


File rename of KReport source to CamelCase with KReport prefix.

Let's plan the renames carefully, not all names are obvious.


  • Private headers: use _p.h
  • We're using namespace KReportPrivate in private _p.h headers (don't apply to plugins where most things are private anyway).
  • Classes declared in .cpp only don't need the namespace.
  • We only touch code from src/, not examples or autotests
  • Skip renderer/odtframe, renderer/ods, renderer/KoReportKSpreadRenderer.*, renderer/KoReportODTRenderer.*, renderer/KoOdtFrameReportRenderer.* - undecided when it can go

Used Doxygen to make this list.

Not reviewed:



 KoReportData -> KReportData ?
 KoReportDesigner -> KReportDesignerWidget
 KoReportDesignerItemBarcode -> KReportDesignerItemBarcode
 KoReportDesignerItemBase -> KReportDesignerItemBase
 KoReportDesignerItemChart -> KReportDesignerItemChart
 KoReportDesignerItemField -> KReportDesignerItemField
 KoReportDesignerItemImage -> KReportDesignerItemImage
 KoReportDesignerItemLabel -> KReportDesignerItemLabel
 KoReportDesignerItemLine -> KReportDesignerItemLine
 KoReportDesignerItemMaps -> KReportDesignerItemMaps
 KoReportDesignerItemRectBase -> KReportDesignerItemRectBase
 KoReportDesignerItemText -> KReportDesignerItemText
 KoReportDesignerItemWeb -> KReportDesignerItemWeb
 KoReportFieldPlugin -> KReportFieldPlugin
 KoReportImagePlugin -> KReportImagePlugin
 KoReportItemBarcode -> KReportItemBarcode
 KoReportItemBase -> KReportItemBase
 KoReportItemChart -> KReportItemChart
 KoReportItemField -> KReportItemField
 KoReportItemImage -> KReportItemImage
 KoReportItemLabel -> KReportItemLabel
 KoReportItemLine -> KReportItemLine
 KoReportItemMaps -> KReportItemMaps
 KoReportItemText -> KReportItemText
 KoReportItemWeb -> KReportItemWeb
 KoReportLabelPlugin -> KReportLabelPlugin
 KoReportMapsPlugin -> KReportMapsPlugin
 MapRenderer -> KReportMapsRenderer
 KoReportODTRenderer -> KoReportODTRenderer
 KoReportPage -> KReportPageItem
 KoReportPluginInterface -> KReportPluginInterface
 KoReportPluginManager -> KReportPluginManager
 KoReportPreRenderer -> KReportPreRenderer
 KoReportPreRendererPrivate -> KReportPreRenderer::Private
 KoReportRendererBase -> KReportRendererBase
 KoReportRendererContext -> KReportRendererContext
 KoReportRendererFactory -> KReportRendererFactory (let's also have KReportRendererPluginInterface?)
 KoReportReportData -> KReportDocument ???
 KoReportTextPlugin -> KReportTextPlugin
 KoReportWebPlugin -> KReportWebPlugin
 KReportGroupTracker - rename header
 KRPos -> KReportPosition
 KRSize -> KReportSize
 KRTextStyleData -> don't touch, later remove, see the new classes KReportElement and KReportLabelElement
 KRLineStyleData -> new class KReportLineStyle
 KRSectionData -> KReportSectionData for now, later  KReportSection?
 ReportPageOptions -> KReportPageOptions for now but TODO: QPageLayout?
 DONE KReportDesign
 DONE KReportDesignReadingStatus
 DONE KReportElement
 DONE KReportLabelElement
 DONE KReportLineStyle
 DONE KReportPluginMetaData
 DONE KReportSection
 DONE KReportUnit
 DONE KReportZoomHandler
 DONE KReportZoomMode

 code128 -> Code128, move to 
 code3of9 -> Code3of9, move declaration of Code3of9 and codeIndex() to barcodes.h, remove code3of9 and codeIndexP() from 3of9paint.cpp,
  and use declarations from barcodes.h (codeIndexP == codeIndex)
 _ext3of9map -> Ext3of9map
 SectionEditor -> KReportSectionEditorEdialog
 BoundedTextItem -> KReportBoundedTextItem
 DetailGroupSectionDialog -> KReportDetailGroupSectionDialog
 ReportPropertiesButton -> KReportPropertiesButton
 KoReportASyncItemBase -> KReportAsyncItemBase
 KoReportBarcodePlugin -> KReportBarcodePlugin
 KoReportChartPlugin -> KReportChartPlugin
 KoReportCheckPlugin -> KReportCheckBoxPlugin
 KoReportDesignerItemCheck -> KReportDesignerItemCheckBox
 KoReportItemCheck -> KReportItemCheckBox
 DONE KReportView
 ReportScene -> KReportDesignerScene
 ReportSceneView -> KReportDesignerSectionView
 DONE ReportSection -> KReportDesignerSection
 ReportSectionDetail -> KReportDesignerSectionDetail
 ReportSectionDetailGroup -> KReportDesignerSectionDetailGroup
 ReportSectionTitle -> KReportDesignerSectionTitle
 ReportWriterSectionData -> move to KReportDesigner::Private?
 LabelSizeInfo -> KReportLabelSizeInfo
 ORDetailGroupSectionData -> KReportDetailGroupSectionData

namespace KReportPrivate {
 KReportRuler -> ReportRuler
 KReportRulerPrivate -> ReportRuler::Private
 KoReportASyncItemManager -> AsyncItemManager
 KoReportASyncItemManager.* -> KReportASyncItemManager_p.*
 RenderData -> move to KReportASyncItemManager_p.cpp
 KoReportHTMLCSSRenderer -> HTMLCSSRenderer
 KoReportHTMLCSSRenderer.* -> KReportHTMLCSSRenderer_p.*
 KoReportHTMLTableRenderer -> HTMLTableRenderer
 KoReportHTMLTableRenderer.* -> KoReportHTMLTableRenderer_p.*
 KoReportPrintRenderer -> PrintRenderer
 KoReportPrintRenderer.* -> KReportPrintRenderer_p.*
 KoReportScreenRenderer -> ScreenRenderer
 KoReportScreenRenderer.* -> KoReportScreenRenderer_p.*
 KReportJsonTrader ->  JsonTrader
 KoReportPluginManagerPrivate.h -> KReportPluginManager_p.h
 KReportPluginEntry -> PluginEntry
 KReportOneRecordData -> OneRecordData ??
 KReportOneRecordData.* -> KReportOneRecordData_p.*

namespace Scripting::*, KRScript*
 * -> for now no change except for files rename to KReportScript*, later adjust to the needs of the new scripting engine QJsEngine which takes advantage of Q_INVOKABLE so there's no need to create too many wrappers; it there are wrappers needed they could be generated via the SDC generator


Differential Revisions
D383: KReport Big Rename

Related Objects

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piggz updated the task description. (Show Details)
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piggz claimed this task.
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piggz added subscribers: piggz, staniek, kossebau.
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piggz closed this task as Resolved.Jan 17 2016, 10:31 PM
staniek moved this task from Backlog to Done on the KReport board.Oct 5 2016, 7:51 PM