Items selection after a copy/move job has started
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After a copy/move job is started (F5 or F6), the files to be copied are unselected, while the directories aren't.

There should be the same behaviour on bothh types.

I hope this is the place we can discuss this :). My opinion: each item should be separately unselected the moment it is transferred (moved/copied). I'm willing to work on it btw.

I'm also for deselecting items when job is started. In the future we could save the item list and recall it with a shortcut.

If you want it, just claim it! Everyone will know that you're working on it. When you're done, open a review.

And if you find something to be discussed, add it to the TODO list.

asensi added a subscriber: asensi.Mar 26 2016, 7:02 PM
asensi added a subscriber: yurchor.

Understood. Thanks for guidance! :-) I'm working on it.

martinkostolny moved this task from TODO to In progress on the Krusader board.Mar 27 2016, 2:15 AM
gengisdave moved this task from In progress to Done on the Krusader board.Oct 10 2016, 8:47 PM