Create Joint Blogposts with KDAB about KDE Frameworks and Libraries
Open, NormalPublic


KDAB would like to partner with KDE to write and publicise a series of blog posts on KDE Frameworks.


This makes sense to Promo since it seems like a good way to promote Frameworks, which is sometimes tricky. In Promo's goals there is a point that covers encouraging more companies to use KDE Frameworks. By factoring in the experience and reputation of KDAB in this


  • Recruit developers willing to write articles
    • On behalf of KDE
    • On behalf of KDAB
  • Brainstorm topics
  • Assign topics, write, edit, etc.
  • Decide best place to publish posts
    • For KDE -
    • For KDAB

Call to Action

Please in let us know below if you want to participate and tell us what you would like to write about. Also, please subscribe more people that may be able to contribute.


paulb created this task.Jan 25 2021, 2:33 PM
paulb triaged this task as Normal priority.
paulb renamed this task from Create joint blogposts with KDAB about KDE Frameworks libraries to Create Joint Blogposts with KDAB about KDE Frameworks and Libraries.
nicolasfella added a comment.EditedJan 25 2021, 3:02 PM

Some thoughts on which Frameworks are interesting to promote for developer and which are not:

Our frameworks can roughly be divided into the following groups:

  • FooAddons modules (KCoreAddons, KGuiAddons, KWidgetsAddons, ...). These are loose collections of classes that are useful, even for third-party developers. Their unclear scope and mixed functionality makes it probably hard to sell/market them though
  • Problem solving modules (KConfig, KI18n, KNotifications, KIdleTime, ...). These solve a specific problem, often by wrapping multiple platform-dependent solutions under a common API. These either offer additional functionality over what Qt's solution offers (KConfig vs QSettings, KI18n vs Qt's translation system, ...) or cover problems not solved by Qt at all (KNotifications, ...). Very interesting to promote
  • Wrappers around existing APIs (networkmanager-qt, modemmanager-qt, bluez-qt, kwayland, ...). These wrap existing, low-level (usually C or DBus) APIs in a manner that is more familiar to Qt developers. Interesting to promote.
  • Implementations of a specific standard (KCalendarCore implements ical, KContacts implements vcard, syndication implements RSS, ...). These are implementations of common standards in a Qt-style way. Interesting to promote.
  • KDE-specific frameworks (KIO, KXmlGui, Purpose, KGlobalAccel, ...). These implement functionality that is rather KDE-specific and is probably not that interesting to outside developers.

Note that the list of frameworks for each group is not exhaustive

paulb added a comment.Jan 25 2021, 4:00 PM

Some thoughts on which Frameworks are interesting to promote for developer and which are not:

Thank you, Nicolas. There is very helpful.

nicolasfella added a comment.EditedFeb 19 2021, 3:04 PM

Frances and I have agreed that I will be writing a/some post(s)

Content-wise I wonder whether it would make sense to kick off the series with an introductory post presenting the history and some general information about what frameworks are and why they are interesting. Subsequent posts would then present some selected frameworks in more depth

A rough outline for an introduction post: