Integrate VisualEditor
Closed, ResolvedPublic

davidev created this task.Jan 12 2016, 11:51 PM
davidev updated the task description. (Show Details)
davidev raised the priority of this task from to Normal.
davidev assigned this task to tomaluca.
davidev added a project: WikiToLearn.
davidev moved this task to Mediawiki development on the WikiToLearn board.
davidev added a subscriber: davidev.

will the problem with ve be resolved with the next mediawiki release?

tomaluca raised the priority of this task from Normal to High.May 22 2016, 12:44 AM
tomaluca added a subscriber: tomaluca.

will the problem with ve be resolved with the next mediawiki release?

Honestly speaking I don't know, but I really hope so

ruphy edited projects, added Restricted Project, Restricted Project, WikiToLearn (0.8); removed WikiToLearn.Jun 16 2016, 7:55 AM
ruphy closed this task as Resolved.Jul 14 2016, 2:22 PM