Fix circular dependency of in KService and plasma-workspace
Open, Needs TriagePublic


For "start menu" is defined by lots of .directory files in plasma-workspace
The file to say which desktop files go in which directory is in kservice

It doesn't seem right.

Things happen to work, until you make a change then we get a situation.

For more details see D24423 where someone is making a change and hitting a problem

IMHO kbuildsycoca should find dynamically at runtime from the system it seems it would be more cross desktop?

guoyunhe added a subscriber: guoyunhe.EditedJan 15 2020, 11:03 AM is installed at /etc/xdg/menu/ The folder contains multiple *.menu files. The spec is here

Plasma is able to read:

  • applications-merged/*.menu

If I install the new file as or, it gets ignored.

@guoyunhe can you propose a solution for KF6 that would make sure we don't have future conflicts

Move from kservice repository to plasma-workspace repository.

dfaure added a subscriber: dfaure.Jan 15 2020, 3:01 PM

Makes sense I guess. The code to parse the menu files is still in kservice/src/sycoca/vfolder_menu.cpp but kservice's job is just to read whatever is there, it doesn't need to provide it by itself. We'll just keep an uninstalled copy for the autotest ;)

Just to flesh that out more. KF5 will be presumably be co-installable with KF6 and Plasma 6 so we can't just move the file.

We would need to:

  • move to p-w under a different name
  • update the default APPLICATIONS_MENU_NAME in kservice

Given we have to handle a rename anyway, it's presumably doable within the KF5 lifetime?

If we want to ship with Plasma 5.18.0 that needs to happen effectively today.

guoyunhe added a comment.EditedJan 17 2020, 3:30 PM

Look like we didn't catch the opportunity of Plasma 5.18.0. But I have some idea on the naming.

*.directory files are located in plasma-workspace/menu/desktop/*.directory. So I guess the file should be moved to plasma-workspace/menu/desktop/ Maybe in future, there will also be different category trees for Plasma Mobile or Plasma Tablet.

Then the *.menu file can be installed with name like And future KDE6 can have Because these files will come from Plasma packages, instead of KF5 packages.

The work plan is:

  1. Copy to plasma-workspace and install it at /etc/xdg/menus/
  2. Let kbuildsycoca detect existence of both and Prefer the new one if both exists.
  3. Add deprecation comments in the file in kservice repository. It will stay here in until the end of KF5 for compatibility with old plasma workspace.
slbtongying moved this task from Waiting on Qt Changes to Needs Input on the KF6 board.

KService should use a copy of for its own unittests, so that the file can move to plasma. I can work on that.

Actually, that's done already, src/CMakeLists.txt makes a copy of into the right build dir for the unittests to pick up.
So this will keep working even if kservice stops installing that file, all we'll have to do for cleanliness is to move it from src/ to autotests/.
And copy it to plasma.
But all this has to wait for KF6 branching.

There's a problem: Without KService stops working on Gnome. Even basic usage like KService::serviceByDesktopName("org.kde.konsole") then fails

Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding this and Gnome also ships

Gnome ships something for sure ( or, not sure, see, but overall, we should be able to find org.kde.konsole independently from menus, IMHO.
That's what Type=Service desktop files (installed in kservices5) are for.
IMHO konsole should install such a file, like konqueror does.

This isn't about services in the KDE sense though, it's about applications. (It's not about konsole*part* but the actual Konsole application)

I got confused by my incomplete Gnome installation, Gnome indeed ships and this is a non-issue

My proposed course of action:

Move the file to plasma-workspace and rename it to

Set XDG_MENU_PREFIX in startplasma

Remove the one in kf6-kservice (or rather keep it only for tests) and implement that

nicolasfella moved this task from In Progress to Done on the KF6 board.Nov 6 2023, 2:45 PM