merge kolab akonadi(client) and akonadi-calendar changes
Open, NormalPublic



  • add CollectionColorAttribute - used to store and sync the calendar color, currently colors are stored in a config file with akonadi id <-> color. So we have already only the single connection over the akonadi id, so we can store the color directly in akonadi and can sync them by backend. Currently we only made kolab resource make use of that but other backendens can implement that too (f. ex. owncloud ).

EntityDisplayAttribute has also a color setting, but it is background color and this one is already used by the ETM to change the background color. And EntityDisplayAttribute is never synced to the server, s owe would need to hack around, that only the color property is synced and all other are keeped local.


  • add multi calendar support (see T1102 and D587)
  • strip out use of schedulingID
  • fixing exception and sceduling
  • add support to act with multiple identities (to be able to act as delegator of someone else)


Differential Revisions
D1159: Add CollectionColorAttribute
knauss created this task.Nov 25 2015, 2:34 PM
knauss updated the task description. (Show Details)
knauss raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
knauss claimed this task.
knauss added a project: KDE PIM.
knauss added subscribers: knauss, smartins, vkrause and 2 others.
knauss triaged this task as Normal priority.Dec 27 2015, 2:09 PM