Do not abort a job that is repeating because it started long ago, that delay is…

Authored by TallFurryMan on Sep 26 2018, 6:47 PM.


Do not abort a job that is repeating because it started long ago, that delay is expected.

When a job is repeating, it is expected that its start time would be further in the past than the normal lead time, because it is repeating.
Therefore the evaluation of such a job when it repeats must not lead to an abort.


Test Plan:
Use "repeated_scheduler_job_no_twilight_30s_leadtime.esl", Copy "" to "/tmp/kstars_tests".
Change the lead time to 0,5 minutes in the Ekos settings, so that a full batch is longer than the lead time.
There are 7 batches of the single target in the schedule. Run the Scheduler, observe as the first batch finishes.
Without the change, when a job repeat, a message is logged that that job is aborted, and that job is re-evaluated to restart.
With the change, when a job repeats, no message is logged, and that job repeats without state change.

Reviewers: mutlaqja, wreissenberger

Reviewed By: mutlaqja, wreissenberger

Subscribers: kde-edu

Tags: KDE Edu

Differential Revision: