Diffusion Baloo 899ed35c6872

Ensure QFileInfo is valid for the first FilteredDirIterator entry

Authored by bruns on Apr 7 2019, 1:06 AM.


Ensure QFileInfo is valid for the first FilteredDirIterator entry

FilteredDirIterator returns its own path for the first next() call. As
the fileInfo() from the underlying QDirIterator is only valid after
the QDirIterator::next() has been called, the first QFileInfo was the
default constructed one.

Initialize a proper QFileInfo() on m_firstItem, and use the QDirIterators
fileInfo() only for the subsequent ones.

Test Plan: make

Reviewers: Baloo, Frameworks, ngraham, astippich, poboiko

Reviewed By: Baloo, ngraham

Subscribers: kde-frameworks-devel

Tags: Frameworks, Baloo

Differential Revision: https://phabricator.kde.org/D20332