keyword rule: Spport for keywords inclusion from another language/file

Authored by jpoelen on Oct 27 2018, 3:10 PM.


keyword rule: Spport for keywords inclusion from another language/file

The goal is to reuse words from other definition files without having to copy them. For example, the list of CSS properties also in SCSS.

The presence of ## in the name of the keyword rule indicates that it is necessary to look for the list in another file (format: listName##languageName).

Test Plan: A quick test was done by removing the properties list from scss.xml and with properties##CSS as the keyword name.

Reviewers: Framework: Syntax Highlighting, cullmann, dhaumann, vkrause

Reviewed By: Framework: Syntax Highlighting, cullmann

Subscribers: kwrite-devel, vkrause, kde-frameworks-devel

Tags: Kate, Frameworks

Differential Revision: