Bug 410988
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by maximma on Sep 22 2019, 4:47 PM.


Group Reviewers

I am not sure how much this is the right solution, because I am not familiar with js at a sufficient level. But having considered all the solutions, I realized that this is one of the simplest solutions. I can’t explain correctly, so I’ll give an example. The user enters a number, say "102.03200". In memory, this will be stored as 10203200 and 5. That is, to get the number back we need 10203200/10 ^ 5. Ok. Only integers are involved in the calculations. A fraction is added only at the output stage.

Diff Detail

R114 Plasma Addons
calculatorApplet (branched from master)
No Linters Available
No Unit Test Coverage
Build Status
Buildable 16888
Build 16906: arc lint + arc unit
maximma created this revision.Sep 22 2019, 4:47 PM
Restricted Application added a project: Plasma. · View Herald TranscriptSep 22 2019, 4:47 PM
Restricted Application added a subscriber: plasma-devel. · View Herald Transcript
maximma requested review of this revision.Sep 22 2019, 4:47 PM
maximma updated this revision to Diff 66694.EditedSep 23 2019, 6:25 PM

Fixed display of numbers

ngraham added a subscriber: ngraham.
  1. This needs more explanation in the Description section to indicate why the proposed change is a good idea.
  2. This seems like it has some unrelated changes in it, which look worthwhile, but they should be in a separate patch. Is this fixing https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=410988?
  1. I am not sure where the description window is.
  2. Yes, this fixes this bug. I am not sure how much this is the right solution, because I am not familiar with js at a sufficient level. But having considered all the solutions, I realized that this is one of the simplest solutions. I can’t explain correctly, so I’ll give an example. The user enters a number, say "102.03200". In memory, this will be stored as 10203200 and 5. That is, to get the number back we need 10203200/10 ^ 5.

It also fixes a bug with the display of numbers. And the "C" button does the same as the "AC", because before that, when I clicked on "C" and further calculations, the answer was incorrect or the "C" button seemed not obvious to me.

  1. I am not sure where the description window is.

You can click on the Edit Revision button to add stuff to the description.

  1. Yes, this fixes this bug. I am not sure how much this is the right solution, because I am not familiar with js at a sufficient level. But having considered all the solutions, I realized that this is one of the simplest solutions. I can’t explain correctly, so I’ll give an example. The user enters a number, say "102.03200". In memory, this will be stored as 10203200 and 5. That is, to get the number back we need 10203200/10 ^ 5. It also fixes a bug with the display of numbers. And the "C" button does the same as the "AC", because before that, when I clicked on "C" and further calculations, the answer was incorrect or the "C" button seemed not obvious to me.

Excellent. Could you split this out so we have two patches:

Excellent. Could you split this out so we have two patches:

Yes, could you explain?

Make a second patch that only fixes the bug, and then remove those changes from this patch.

maximma added a comment.EditedSep 26 2019, 5:48 PM

Make a second patch that only fixes the bug, and then remove those changes from this patch.

Do I need to create another page with only bug fix? Or do I need to make another commit only with bug fix? What to do with the correction of the display of numbers?Because I need the changes that are in the fixed bug.

If there are three changes necessary (fix display, fix bug, change C behavior) then we need three patches in a dependency chain. :) See https://community.kde.org/Infrastructure/Phabricator#If_the_patches_are_all_for_the_same_project

maximma added a comment.EditedSep 26 2019, 5:58 PM

ok, how remove changes from those patch?

Change the files to remove those changes using your text editor, then run arc diff.

maximma updated this revision to Diff 66913.Sep 26 2019, 6:45 PM

Bug Fix 410988

maximma retitled this revision from Bug 410988, Button 'C' now does the same as 'AC'. to Bug 410988.Sep 26 2019, 6:46 PM
maximma edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Sep 26 2019, 6:49 PM