Fix incorrect bracket closures in RegExp patterns
BUG: 364866
Recursive subgroups are added inside brackets {} and (), to avoid incorrect closures in RegExp patterns. This correction is in accordance with other text editors (VS Code, Atom, gedit & Sublime Text), which highlight the RegExp patterns in that way.
Allow strings as scalar references
BUG: 348765
Previously, the characters " and ' were escaped, which caused an erroneous highlight when using references such as \'string' (see ref. [1] and [2]).
Fix incorrect highlighting of variables that start with underscores
BUG: 355300
This error was caused by the order of the RegExpr rules to detect variables: [@\$][\+\-_] had priority over \$[#_][\w_] ($_ is a special variable) (ref. [3] & [4]).
Fix incorrect highlighting of characters in variables
BUG: 391577
Previously, characters such as ()[]} were highlighted after * in some variables, such as @*), causing incorrect closures of brackets.
Other fixes:
- Add variables with carret, such as: ${^Foo} or $^V (ref. [3]).
- Add special variables: %+, %-, %! & %^H (ref. [3]).
- Missing escapes are added, such as \x{NN..}, \o{NN..} (full list in ref. [5]).
- [1] Perl References:
- [2] PerlMonks. Constant string reference:
- [3] Perl Programming Documentation. perlvar:
- [4] PerlMonks. Perl Special Variables Quick Reference:
- [5] Perl Programming Documentation. perlrebackslash:
FIXED-IN: 5.51.0