User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Jun 10 2017, 6:05 AM (403 w, 2 d)
- Availability
- Available
Jul 8 2019
Jul 8 2019
Mar 29 2019
Mar 29 2019
Oct 4 2018
Oct 4 2018
asagtani updated the task description for T9138: drawing, bug fixing and small improvements.
Aug 18 2018
Aug 18 2018
asagtani committed R2:24d80d5f2673: drawing, fixed canvas clearing on using undo tool after eraser (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed canvas clearing on using undo tool after eraser
asagtani added a comment to T9138: drawing, bug fixing and small improvements.
After using the text tool, pencil will be set to the active tool by default.
asagtani committed R2:050b0ca75f5d: drawing, switch to pencil after using text tool (authored by asagtani).
drawing, switch to pencil after using text tool
Aug 16 2018
Aug 16 2018
asagtani updated the task description for T9138: drawing, bug fixing and small improvements.
Aug 8 2018
Aug 8 2018
asagtani added commits to T9138: drawing, bug fixing and small improvements: R2:f28a8626c48b: drawing, fixed text preview color, R2:61631879d26a: drawing, disabled drawing on active tool/color highlighter tab, R2:d749d17cf453: drawing, fixed active tool icon image source, R2:4db24ff6f75f: drawing, fixed invalid color preview, R2:84d3b7846105: drawing, fold any unfolded panel on clicking canvas.
drawing, fixed text preview color
asagtani committed R2:61631879d26a: drawing, disabled drawing on active tool/color highlighter tab (authored by asagtani).
drawing, disabled drawing on active tool/color highlighter tab
Aug 6 2018
Aug 6 2018
asagtani updated the task description for T9138: drawing, bug fixing and small improvements.
asagtani committed R2:d749d17cf453: drawing, fixed active tool icon image source (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed active tool icon image source
Aug 4 2018
Aug 4 2018
drawing, fixed invalid color preview
asagtani committed R2:84d3b7846105: drawing, fold any unfolded panel on clicking canvas (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fold any unfolded panel on clicking canvas
asagtani updated the task description for T9138: drawing, bug fixing and small improvements.
asagtani committed R2:6a6d82e07e55: drawing, fixed activeConfiguration Dimensions (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed activeConfiguration Dimensions
asagtani added a comment to T9140: drawing, add undo and redo button on canvas for instant access.
Fixed :)
Horizontal mode --
Vertical mode -- ,
Aug 3 2018
Aug 3 2018
asagtani committed R2:2094f373e028: drawing, fixed activeConfiguration tab dimensons. (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed activeConfiguration tab dimensons.
Aug 2 2018
Aug 2 2018
asagtani moved T9038: drawing, update ActivityInfo.qml from Need review to Done on the GCompris: Activities board.
asagtani moved T8736: drawing, adding help menu from Need review to Done on the GCompris: Activities board.
asagtani moved T9141: drawing, implement basic kaeyboard navigations from Need review to Done on the GCompris: Activities board.
Aug 1 2018
Aug 1 2018
asagtani added a comment to T9135: drawing, implement stamps feature.
apk file -->
Jul 30 2018
Jul 30 2018
git rebase
drawing, updated help section
drawing, added basic key navigations
drawing, fixed undo-redo tool
drawing, minor fixes
drawing, added sound effects
asagtani committed R2:0a8688af6b15: drawing, fixed stamps grid dimensions and eraser modes (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed stamps grid dimensions and eraser modes
asagtani committed R2:55743d7621fd: drawing, added import an image support for stamps (authored by asagtani).
drawing, added import an image support for stamps
asagtani committed R2:624e56718aef: drawing, added instant undo && redo buttons (authored by asagtani).
drawing, added instant undo && redo buttons
drawing, added size slider for stamps
drawing, stamps feature first version
asagtani committed R2:0f9cf2c46b87: drawing, implemented change background color feature (authored by asagtani).
drawing, implemented change background color feature
asagtani committed R2:688381ff52e3: drawing properly close panel on height change (authored by timotheegiet).
drawing properly close panel on height change
asagtani committed R2:539656eb8795: drawing, added active tool and color highlighters (authored by asagtani).
drawing, added active tool and color highlighters
asagtani committed R2:0d1018c091d0: drawing, added global alpha slider and improved eraser tool (authored by asagtani).
drawing, added global alpha slider and improved eraser tool
drawing, minor improvements
asagtani committed R2:e6720f8df41d: drawing, fixed text-tool buttons active region (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed text-tool buttons active region
asagtani committed R2:710d6900f755: drawing, implemented flood-fill algorithm (authored by asagtani).
drawing, implemented flood-fill algorithm
drawing, fixed eraser tool
drawing, fixed text tool dimensions
asagtani committed R2:683e83fc274c: drawing, fixed active color highlight for colorGrid (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed active color highlight for colorGrid
drawing, improved text tool
asagtani committed R2:e32361ffac2d: drawing, fixed minor issues and responsiveness (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed minor issues and responsiveness
drawing, code cleanup for phase-1
drawing, improved export to png tool
asagtani committed R2:3fe268a8819b: drawing, renamed paint.js --> drawing.js (authored by asagtani).
drawing, renamed paint.js --> drawing.js
drawing, removed Expand.qml
drawing, removed ColorPalette.qml
drawing, added export ot png support
asagtani committed R2:5d85dad740dd: drawing, changed activity name to 'Drawing' (authored by asagtani).
drawing, changed activity name to 'Drawing'
drawing, code cleaning
drawing, improved color panel
drawing, improved panel UI
drawing, initilized new UI
asagtani committed R2:ff67c4a6d05e: drawing, fixed toolsSize pop-up dimensions (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed toolsSize pop-up dimensions
drawing, improved color palette UI
drawing, code cleanup
drawing, added geometric modes
asagtani committed R2:5010daad5d4d: drawing, improved size settings and added Erase all functionality (authored by asagtani).
drawing, improved size settings and added Erase all functionality
drawing, refactored tools size settings
asagtani committed R2:9737360bf265: drawing, implemented tools mode setting window (authored by asagtani).
drawing, implemented tools mode setting window
drawing, code refactoring - 2
asagtani committed R2:4dcae5e82747: drawing, set text font-family to ApplicationSettings.font (authored by asagtani).
drawing, set text font-family to ApplicationSettings.font
paint add some base icons
asagtani committed R2:d1bff9e5507e: drawing, replaced file name in camelCase (authored by asagtani).
drawing, replaced file name in camelCase
asagtani committed R2:565d2ac74646: drawing, implementing new UI and refactoring - 1 (authored by asagtani).
drawing, implementing new UI and refactoring - 1
paint, code cleanup
drawing, updated import versions
tuxPaint, select brush icon completed
tuxPaint, changed brush icons
tuxPaint, fix blur tool
asagtani committed R2:c8e1c6883f7b: tuxPaint, adapt the color of the select brush tool (authored by stefant).
tuxPaint, adapt the color of the select brush tool
tuxPaint, base version
drawing, improved text tool
drawing, code cleanup for phase-1
asagtani committed R2:f4548347a217: drawing, fixed minor issues and responsiveness (authored by asagtani).
drawing, fixed minor issues and responsiveness
drawing, improved export to png tool
asagtani committed R2:1d3ce5b977ed: drawing, renamed paint.js --> drawing.js (authored by asagtani).
drawing, renamed paint.js --> drawing.js
drawing, removed Expand.qml
drawing, added export ot png support
drawing, removed ColorPalette.qml
asagtani committed R2:2d5e7cdb04d2: drawing, changed activity name to 'Drawing' (authored by asagtani).
drawing, changed activity name to 'Drawing'
drawing, code cleaning