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Mar 17 2020

vespas added a comment to T10273: Make KCMs consistent and apply the KDE HIG to them as much as possible.

I have also noticed that some KCMs show the fonts differently than others, e.g. inside 'workspace behaviour', the entry 'screen edges' shows everything normally, while in 'general behaviour' everything is a bit blurry. -It seems they don't all follow the same theme, with fonts and checkboxes rendered differently.

Mar 17 2020, 9:42 PM · Goal: Consistency, Plasma, VDG

Mar 16 2020

vespas added a comment to T10273: Make KCMs consistent and apply the KDE HIG to them as much as possible.

Some kcms allow the user to drag their contents vertically (which doesnt make sense if everything fits in the view), while most don't. This also breaks the "move window by dragging anywhere" functionality. The ones i've seen do this are: fonts, user feedback, display configuration, night color, general behavior (inside workspace behavior), notifications, launch feedback, mouse.

Mar 16 2020, 9:36 PM · Goal: Consistency, Plasma, VDG