Closed, ResolvedPublic


In Plasma System settings, there are options (based on bluedevil and bluez-qt) to configure bluetooth and manage communications with other devices. Such a kind of capabilities should be added to Plasma Mobile as well.

Knowledge Requirements: Linux, Qt, QML, Plasma

System Requirements: This task will require access to actual device running Plasma Mobile.

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dkardarakos updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 2 2018, 11:27 AM
EspiDev moved this task from PM 1.0 to Done on the Plasma: Mobile board.Dec 9 2020, 4:06 AM
EspiDev edited projects, added Plasma: Mobile; removed Plasma: Mobile (PM 1.0).
bshah closed this task as Resolved.Mar 29 2021, 7:44 AM
bshah claimed this task.