unstable appdata is currently coming from a skel which doesn't get updated.
make sure to either drop the data, or switch to fully skel driven dep11 meaning we can generate appdata for ALL repos
unstable appdata is currently coming from a skel which doesn't get updated.
make sure to either drop the data, or switch to fully skel driven dep11 meaning we can generate appdata for ALL repos
Matthias was kind enough to fix a major blocker for on-demand downloads. Chances are we may be able to drop the rsync entirely. That makes supporting appdata in !user repos much more achievable I think.
(alas, needs appstream-generator master)
unstable, stable, release, release-lts now have appstream-generator run once a day. user, user-lts continue to do it on-publish AND in addition also once per day. also asgen is now working around bugs in meson to prevent excess rebuilds, this does by and large mean that runs are in general much faster than before.
as per usual generation is off-by-one, so only the previous published versions are in the actual archive. for unstable/stable that makes no difference since they publish multiple times a day by virtue of having new builds, for release and release-lts we may wish to run auto publishing to force the dep11 data to update.
disk usage on drax down some 200G