Top-level nav menu becomes a hamburger menu too aggressively
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In my browser (Firefox), the top-level navigation collapses into a hamburger menu when the window is reduced to about 930 pixels wide. We should keep it as a real nav menu instead of turning it into a hamburger menu until the window is resized to typical mobile sizes.

(Even then, in general collapsing navigation into a hamburger menu is a design error and should be re-thought. See

ngraham created this task.Mar 14 2018, 5:04 PM
ngraham removed sebas as the assignee of this task.
ngraham added a subscriber: sebas.
ngraham assigned this task to ognarb.Sep 17 2020, 10:37 PM

So to solve this problem you can configure at which size the menu is collapsed by changing the CSS class navbar-expand-{sm,md,lg}, currently it's navbar-expand-lg, for it is easy to fix ( for the other website it will be a bit more work to create a config option in the jekyll theme.

ngraham closed this task as Resolved.Sep 18 2020, 6:03 PM

Thanks Carl! I only cared about :)