Discuss wishlist for HIG
Closed, ResolvedPublic


This is a wish list for HIG pages, it is not a task about finding/discussing possible solutions! It is just a wish list.

  • git and phabricator based release process, see https://phabricator.kde.org/T5439
  • bulk upload of images
  • better integration of generated content
  • better navigation between pages, global navigation bar on the left side
  • support for mobile devices ( responsive page layout, ...)
  • search in the HIG (only, or preferred in HIG pages)
fabianr created this task.Sep 13 2017, 4:00 PM
Buovjaga added a subscriber: Buovjaga.EditedSep 13 2017, 4:38 PM

Consider this MW skin that uses Zurb Foundation framework to offer a responsive layout: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Skin:Pivot
Demo site: https://pivot.wikiproject.net/wiki/Main_Page

Edit: it seems the older Foundation-using skin called Foreground is still being developed, so it would be good to consider it as well:
Demo: https://foreground.wikiproject.net/wiki/Main_Page

  • support for mobile devices ( responsive page layout, ...)

Why is there a need for "responsive page layout"? Are we expecting developers to be coding via their phones?

  • support for mobile devices ( responsive page layout, ...)

Why is there a need for "responsive page layout"? Are we expecting developers to be coding via their phones?

Responsive layout today is a must. Sites without it get penalized by search engines, for example. Personally I don't own a mobile device capable of browsing the web, but I build all my sites mobile-first responsive (since ~2013). Please trust web design professionals in this.

HIG are not only for developers, but for designers, UI/UX, ... too. A lot of designs does not happen on a desktop pc. And even if you code on a desktop, some devs like to keep reference websites in a very small browser next to there IDE or like for example KDevelop, the IDE has an inbuilt documentation viewer (webbrowser).

fabianr moved this task from Backlog/Planned to Done on the VDG board.Jun 22 2018, 7:48 AM
fabianr closed this task as Resolved.Oct 31 2018, 10:01 AM