First formal contact with GENIVI
Open, LowPublic


  • Contact the KDE eV Board about a potential initial contact with GENIVI
  • Contact GENIVI about a potential initial contact with KDE eV Board
  • Introduction of both parties if the above steps are successful.
  • Initial conversation (phone/video call) if the above is successful.

Evaluate the possibility of sending a KDE representative to GENIVI AMM. Determine the next convenient event. FOSDEM, ELCE?

toscalix created this task.Aug 23 2017, 1:25 PM
toscalix renamed this task from Initial contact with GENIVI to First formal contact with GENIVI.
toscalix triaged this task as Low priority.
toscalix claimed this task.
toscalix moved this task from ToDo to Backlog on the Automotive board.Mar 14 2018, 10:30 AM