Overhaul Author Profile
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Ok, so this would be quite quick to do, but does need a little discussion.

I would like to overhaul the author profile stuff. The reason is that the current system does not fulfill author metadata needs.

What I would like to change it to is


  • Nom de Plume/Monnicker/Nickname/Artist Name: The base name for artists.

Real name data:

  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Initials
  • Company/Studio

And then a list of contact methods, of which one is the primary contact method. Each contact method can be either...

  1. A Phone number
  2. A fax number
  3. A snail mail adress
  4. An e-mail adress
  5. A website url.

I would like to make the last one(url) the default one chosen because that one's the most spam proof. Ideally it should be possible for an artist to just have twenty different social media links in there if necessary.

I would also like to make the anonymous profile default, remove the default profile that pulls data from the os and try harder to make the metadata propegate to pngs and jpegs.

While this is not directly related to author profiles, but more of related to document information section, can there be a place for license for the artwork, probably with an option to set a default one (safe fallback chosen by author) if the author forgets to choose it while creating document.

I would also like to make the anonymous profile default, remove the default profile that pulls data from the os and try harder to make the metadata propegate to pngs and jpegs.

This would be nice.

woltherav added a comment.EditedJul 26 2017, 7:41 PM

Yeah, I wanted to overhaul the metadata initially, but I figured I should probably start with the author stuff cause that needs work first :)

Ok, some notes:

  1. The author stuff is half-hardcoded in both KoConfigAuthorPage and KoDocument Info.
  2. KoDocumentInfo has both stuff for loading Oasis(that's Open Document) data and calligra specific data. The oasis stuff is half dublin core rdf stuff, and half mystery meta stuff.
  3. Calligra specific is mystery soup.
  4. Inkscape also uses a RDF thingymabob but has no author data stuff. Does have creativecommons type of stuff.


Mostly I am looking for a nice sensible standard way of describing "this is work", "this is author", "this is how contact author", "this be license"

Ah, vcard seems to be the closest to what I am looking for: https://www.w3.org/Submission/vcard-rdf/

So.. D7076 changes the system so that you can have the contact info as an arbitrary list that is stored and loaded. Artists can reorder the list. There's also first/last name type of stuff. And there's an autocompleter for the positions so that people can have a few basics to pull from.

Now... what next

  • Check if there's a nicer way to make that autocompleter list.
  • Implement saving as vcard?
  • Implement a cc license qcombobox
  • Have the metadata write nicely conform cc license rules.
  • Check png
  • check jpeg
  • Figure out whether to just remove the default athorprofile alltogether.
  • Figure out why language thingy doesn't work :(
  • figure out how to access data from python.

Anyway, please test the diff.