Bluetooth connection
Open, Needs TriagePublic


I don't know much about bluetooth, so I don't know how to approach it. If we can create an IP network over bluetooth, then it should work already.

sitter added a subscriber: sitter.

Originally made by sarcot at 2015-01-10 17:09:54 UTC

Is there anyone currently working on this? I think I'm making progress towards making a bluetooth backend.

Originally made by albertvaka at 2015-03-31 04:27:22 UTC

Yes, you are working on this :P

sitter removed a subscriber: sitter.Nov 24 2016, 12:55 PM
albertvaka moved this task from Ideas to New features on the KDE Connect board.Nov 30 2016, 1:44 PM
albertvaka moved this task from New features to Ideas on the KDE Connect board.Nov 30 2016, 1:47 PM
albertvaka moved this task from Ideas to Fixes on the KDE Connect board.May 25 2017, 9:13 AM
albertvaka moved this task from Fixes to Ideas on the KDE Connect board.Mar 23 2018, 8:55 PM

I've worked a bit with Bluetooth on Android - it should be possible to use a profile like SPP for exchanging data on Bluetooth 3.0 and below. For Bluetooth LE and above, it should be possible to exchange discrete data packets between devices.

It's not the same as an IP network.

nicolasfella moved this task from Ideas to In progress on the KDE Connect board.Mar 24 2019, 8:21 PM