change qt5-default pull
Closed, ResolvedPublic


To make sure qmake and friends work in dev environments we pull in qt5-default via neon-desktop.

This makes neon by default depend on dev packages via qt5-default!

Two ways to solve this:
a) instead of depending on qt5-default, neon-desktop could conflict qt4-default which implicitly forces a lookup rather an going for a default (preventing qt4 actually may be awkward but qt4 is rather dead for actual development anyway)
b) the dep could be moved to ECM (which unfortunately would constitute a diff from debian) and thus all build envrionments using ECM are forced to use the correct binaries

NB: functionality of startkde is not impacted as it has additional hardcodery magic to find the correct qdbus without gong through qtchooser

sitter created this task.Oct 10 2016, 8:30 AM

a) sounds interesting
wouldn't b) be a circular dependency somehow?

wouldn't b) be a circular dependency somehow?

ECM is a dependee of Qt and Qt does not use cmake, so there is no circular dep to be had.

We actually can't do a) because seeds have no such ability.

sitter updated the task description. (Show Details)Nov 11 2016, 12:47 PM

I think a diff from debian ok in this case.

for a) you can just manually add it into debian/control in neon:seeds
but either should be fine

sitter moved this task from Ready To Do to Doing on the Neon board.Nov 16 2016, 1:24 PM
sitter claimed this task.

I just realized the ECM approach might break builds ...

qt5-default forces the use of qt5 unless otherwise noted which may impact the buildability of qt4 stuff we build (breeze comes to mind) :/

trying anyway

sitter moved this task from Doing to Review on the Neon board.Nov 17 2016, 9:35 AM

seems to work goody in unstable. breeze also still builds

best keep an eye out for qt4 failures though

sitter closed this task as Resolved.Nov 25 2016, 1:54 PM

Not installed by default and everything seems to still be building just fine. Closing.