Drop the status bar
Closed, ResolvedPublic


See this topic: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=285&t=131016

The blocker for now is where to move the job's progress bar.
An alternative is to drop the progress bar as well, since ideally there should be already one in the system tray.

And when there is no system tray at all (outside plasma)?

elvisangelaccio added a comment.EditedMar 6 2016, 12:11 AM

And when there is no system tray at all (outside plasma)?

Yeah that is a problem. However I'm not aware of other kde apps which have a progress bar in the status bar...

And when there is no system tray at all (outside plasma)?

Yeah that is a problem. However I'm not aware of other kde apps which have a progress bar in the status bar...


And when there is no system tray at all (outside plasma)?

Yeah that is a problem. However I'm not aware of other kde apps which have a progress bar in the status bar...


Indeed. Maybe a solution could be to show the status bar on demand, whenever the progress bar pops up?
Otherwise should always be hidden, because it literally displays *nothing*.

Is it possible to detect if the system tray progress bar is shown? In this case, I propose to use the status bar only as a fallback for trayless systems (+ showing it only on demand).

A second thought: Are there blocking actions shown in the progress bar? In this case the main window should also indicate that something is done and in the best case give the possibility to cancel the blocking action.

Is it possible to detect if the system tray progress bar is shown? In this case, I propose to use the status bar only as a fallback for trayless systems (+ showing it only on demand).

I think it should be possible, but if it's too much effort I don't think would be worth it.

A second thought: Are there blocking actions shown in the progress bar? In this case the main window should also indicate that something is done and in the best case give the possibility to cancel the blocking action.

You mean actions that block the UI? There are, but they also can be stopped only from the progress bar in the system tray's notification (this is similar to how Dolphin hanldes KJobs, btw).

A second thought: Are there blocking actions shown in the progress bar? In this case the main window should also indicate that something is done and in the best case give the possibility to cancel the blocking action.

You mean actions that block the UI? There are, but they also can be stopped only from the progress bar in the system tray's notification (this is similar to how Dolphin hanldes KJobs, btw).

Yes, I thought, that is might be a bit cumbersome to find the right background job that is associated with the gui blocker if one has more than a single job running. E.g. if i pressed unpack and i got aware that i have chosen the wrong destination folder i need to find the right job in the tray instead of just hitting cancel in the area where i do my actual work.
However, consistency across the application is also beneficial.

elvisangelaccio moved this task from In progress to Done on the Ark board.Mar 14 2016, 3:39 PM
elvisangelaccio closed this task as Resolved.Mar 19 2016, 4:35 PM