Next steps: static-compilation runtime issues triage [meta]
Open, NormalPublic


Some things that need work/thought:

  • How do we handle out-of-process stuff like the KIO Workers?
  • How should we handle the importing of plugins provided by frameworks?
  • How should we handle the common cases for common import of Qt/QML plugins?
  • How do we handle KParts consumption?

Most importantly, how much of that work do we want to do? The static compilation we have *as is* is already beneficial to the simpler KDE apps out there, that do not use complicated KIO, KPart, etc.

This is a meta task, to be developed further.

wrobelda created this task.Sep 20 2022, 5:49 PM
wrobelda triaged this task as Normal priority.
wrobelda updated the task description. (Show Details)Sep 20 2022, 8:29 PM
wrobelda updated the task description. (Show Details)
wrobelda renamed this task from Static-compilation runtime issues triage [meta] to Next steps: static-compilation runtime issues triage [meta].Sep 20 2022, 8:41 PM