KDE Connect is working on releasing an integrated SMS messaging app. Help build to this new and exciting feature!
The text entry field is currently stuck at being only a single, non-wrapping line. This makes it very inconvenient to send longer messages. It would be nice if it could:
- Wrap text if a line is longer than can fit on the screen
- Grow taller as more lines are written
- Stop growing taller after "a certain" height
Wrapping text could be as easy as changing the TextField to a TextArea (https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.9/qml-qtquick-controls2-textarea.html) and setting wrapMode. At that point, the TextArea will have an unbounded height. That is when the task gets interesting!
There might be a better solution than TextArea. Don't let my limited imagination control your work!
The file of interest is smsapp/qml/ConversationDisplay.qml