Add worksheet extension (.cws) to name of saved file, if user haven't added it…

Authored by sirgienko on Mar 27 2018, 10:21 PM.


Add worksheet extension (.cws) to name of saved file, if user haven't added it youself.

Summary: It's a little uncomfortable, that when we save cantor worksheet file with name like 'foo' and saved name also have name 'foo', because we use file filter in open file dialog and our 'foo' file will be filtered. So I have added check, that if extension for saved worksheet file don't specify, then we append it.

Test Plan:

  1. Create worksheet
  2. Save it with name foo as Cantor worksheet
  3. Check that the file have name foo.cws
  1. Create worksheet
  2. Save it with name foo.cws as Cantor worksheet
  3. Check that the file have name foo.cws

Reviewers: Cantor, asemke

Reviewed By: Cantor, asemke

Subscribers: aacid, asemke, Cantor, KDE Edu

Tags: KDE Edu, Cantor

Differential Revision: