Keep release info up to date with other docbook files

Authored by habacker on Nov 18 2017, 2:09 PM.


Keep release info up to date with other docbook files

Please note that by policy the version number is not the version of the application, but the date (and version) of the last update of the documentation.
In other words: if this is just a version bump but without checking if the content is still valid, please revert the change.

How does this look from a user perspective ? A user may have installed the current version, which is 4.8.1, opens and see that this is for version 4.5 - he might think that he does not have the correct documentation and will be confused or may file a bug because of an outdated documentation - isn't this confusing ?

This commit now requires audit.Nov 19 2017, 9:29 AM
This commit no longer requires audit.Nov 19 2017, 9:29 AM

I don't think that it is confusing if the message is "this is the last update of the documentation", which is what we are tracking here.

If you want to update this, then make sure that the entire documentation is up-to-date.

lueck added a subscriber: lueck.Nov 19 2017, 11:10 AM

How does this look from a user perspective ? A user may have installed the current version, which is 4.8.1, opens and see that this is for version 4.5 - he might think that he does not have the correct documentation and will be confused or may file a bug because of an outdated documentation - isn't this confusing ?

the policy makes sense

  • for users: if the documentation does not match the application behavior, they can use date/releaseinfo to see what probably is wrong/outdated - the docs or their installation.
  • for updating/proofreading a documumentation: obviously this should start with the oldest parts of the documentation, easy to identify via date/releaseinfo